Language name and location: Ersu, Sichuan province, China [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区尔苏语, 中国四川省凉山州汉源县、冕宁县等多个县


1. tə55

21.  55 tsʰɿ55 55

2. nə55

22.  55 tsʰɿ55 55

3. si55

23.  55 tsʰɿ55 si55

4. zo33

24.  55 tsʰɿ55 zo33

5. ŋuɑ33

25.  55 tsʰɿ55 ŋuɑ33

6. tsʰu55

26.  nə55 tsʰɿ55 tsʰu55

7. sɿ5555

27.  55 tsʰɿ55 sɿ5555

8. ʒɿ55

28.  nə55 tsʰɿ55 ʒɿ55

9. nɡə33

29.  55 tsʰɿ55 nɡə33

10. tsʰɛ55 tsʰɛ55

30.  sɑ55 tsʰɿ55

11. tsʰɛ55 tsɿ55

40.  zo33 zɿ55

12. tsʰɛ55 55

50.  ŋuɑ33 zɿ55

13. tsʰɛ55 55

60.  tsʰu55 zɿ55

14. tsʰɛ55 zo33

70.  sɿ5555 zɿ55

15. tsʰɛ55 ŋuɑ33

80.  ʒɿ55 zɿ55

16. tsʰɛ55 tsʰu55

90.  nɡɛ33 zɿ55

17. tsʰɛ55 sɿ5555

100. zɑ55

18. tsʰɛ55 ʒɿ55

200. 55 55

19. tsʰɛ55 nɡə33

1000. tu55

20. nə55 tsʰɿ55

2000. 55 tu55, 10000. nbo55 tsʰo55


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Zhang Sihong, Department of linguistics, School

of Arts and Social Sciences, James Cook University, Australia. February 29, 2012.
供资料的语言学家:: 张四红博士, 2012 年 2 月 29 日.


Other comments: Ersu has a ten-based numeral system. The above data was taken from different dialect of the Ersu language differs from that of dialect provided by Prof. Sun Hongkai. Ersu numbers >10 are formed through compounding. Numbers from 10-19: Numerals denoting numbers of this group are coordinate compounds containing a "core" bound morpheme tsʰɛ55, 'teen' followed by a basic numeral except 'eleven' and 'thirteen'. As shown in above table, the numeral ?eleven? is not formed through the "core" morpheme tsʰ⁵⁵, ''teen'' and the basic numeral tə⁵⁵, 'one', but tsʰɛ⁵⁵, ?'teen' and an attachment tsɿ⁵⁵ whose meaning is unknown in this context; similar to 'eleven', the numeral 'thirteen' is also not formed through the 'core' morpheme tsʰ⁵⁵, 'teen' and the basic numeral si⁵⁵, 'three', but tsʰɛ⁵⁵, 'teen' and an attachment sa⁵⁵, too. Ersu Numbers from 20 to 39: Numbers of this group share a 'core' morpheme, a ''round number'' classifier tsʰɿ⁵⁵, 'ten'. Numbers from 20 to 29 are formed through a bound compound morpheme nə⁵⁵.tsʰɿ⁵⁵, 'two.ten=>twenty' plus a basic numeral and numbers from 30 to 39 are formed through a bound compound morpheme sa⁵.tsʰɿ⁵⁵, 'three. ten=>thirty' plus a basic numeral. Numbers from 40 to 90 are constructed in the way of ''basic numeral plus ''round number classifiers''. The largest number attested in Ersu is nbo55 tsʰo55, 'ten thousand.

Language name and location: Ersu, Sichuan province, China [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区尔苏语, 中国四川省凉山州汉源县、冕宁县等多个县


1. tɛ55

21.  nɛ55 tsʰɿ55 55

2. nɛ55


3. si55


4. ʐo33


5. ŋuɑaʴ33


6. tʂʰu55


7. ʃɿ5555


8. ʒɿ55


9. nɡɛ33


10. tsʰɛ55tsʰɛ55

30.  sɑ55 tsʰɿ55

11. tsʰɛ55 tsɿ55

40.  ʐo33 zɿ55

12. tsʰɛ55 55

50.  ŋuaʴ33 zɿ55

13. tsʰɑ55 55

60.  tʂʰu55 zɿ55

14. tsʰɛ55 ʐo33

70.  ʃɿ5555 zɿ55

15. tsʰɛ55 ŋuaʴ33

80.  ʒɿ55 zɿ55

16. tsʰɛ55 tʂʰu55

90.  nɡɛ33 zɿ55

17. tsʰɛ55 ʃɿ5555

100. zɑ55

18. tsʰɛ55 ʒɿ55


19. tsʰɛ55 nɡɛ33

1000. hpu55(htu)55

20. nɛ55 tsʰɿ55



Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Sun Hongkai, Centre of Minority Languages, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, October 3, 1999.

供资料的语言学家: 孙宏开教授 (社科院民族研究所), 1999 年 10 月 3 日.


Other comments: Ersu has a decimal system. Ersu is spoken by approximately 20,000 speakers in Ganzi Tibetan autonomous prefecture, Jiulong county; Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture, Ganluo, Mianning, Muli and Yuexi counties; Ya’an prefecture, Hanyuan and Shimian counties, Sichuan province, China.


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