Language name and locationː Dirasha, Omo region, Ethiopia [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区迪拉沙语 (吉多勒 Gidole), 埃塞俄比亚南部民族区


1. ʃakka(ha) fem., ʃokko(ha) masculine

21.  hundalakkenni ʃokko

2. lakki

22.  hundalakkenni lakki

3. halpatta

23.  hundalakkenni halpatta

4. afur

24.  hundalakkenni afur

5. hen

25.  hundalakkenni hen

6. lehi

26.  hundalakkenni lehi

7. tappa

27.  hundalakkenni tappa

8. lakkuʃeti

28.  hundalakkenni lakkuʃeti

9. tsinqoota  *

29.  hundalakkenni tsinqoota

10. hunda

30.  hunda halpatta

11. hundanni ʃokko

40.  hunda afur

12. hundanni lakki

50.  hunda hen

13. hundanni halpatta

60.  hunda lehi

14. hundanni afur

70.  hunda tappa

15. hundanni hen

80.  hunda lakkuʃeti

16. hundanni lehi

90.  hunda tsinqoot̬a

17. hundanni tappa

100. tseeta

18. hundanni lakkuʃeti

200. tseeta lakki

19. hundanni tsinqoota

1000. kuma

20. hunda lakki

2000. kuma lakki


Linguist providing data and dateː Ms. Mirjami Uusitalo, Summer Institute of Linguistics, Kenya, 6 January, 1993, May 8, 2012.

供资料的语言学家: Ms. Mirjami Uusitalo, 1993 年 1 月 6 日, 2012 年 5 月 8 日.


Other comments: Dirasha or Gidole has a decimal system. There are feminine form and masculine form in number 'one'.


1. q=velar ejective [kʼ]

2. ts=alveolar ejective [tʼ]

3. The symbol 't̥ ' is an explosive or unvoiced alveolar stop, and 't̬' is a voiced stop.

Dirasha, also known as Ghidole, is a member of the Cushitic branch spoken by approximately 65,000 speakers. It is spoken in the Omo region of Ethiopia, in the hills west of Lake Chamo, around the town of Gidole. A number of speakers also use Oromo or Konso. According to Wondwosen, the "Dirasha" is the name of the people, and the name of the language is given variously as "Dirashitata, Dirayta and Diraytata"


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