Language name and location: Dhimal, Kosi province, Nepal [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区迪马尔, 尼泊尔东部戈西省和印度境内


1. eʔ-loŋ / *

21.  e kuri eloŋ

2. n̤e-loŋ

22.  e kuri n̤eloŋ

3. sum-loŋ

23.  e kuri sumloŋ

4. dja-loŋ

24.  e kuri djaloŋ

5. na-loŋ

25.  e kuri naloŋ

6. tu-loŋ

26.  e kuri tuloŋ

7. n̤iʔ-loŋ

27.  e kuri n̤iʔloŋ

8. jeʔ-loŋ

28.  e kuri jeʔloŋ

9. kwaaha-loŋ

29.  e kuri kwaahaloŋ

10. te-loŋ

30.  e kuri teloŋ (20+10)

11. egʰaara < Indo-Aryan / te eʔ  *

40.  n̤e kuri (20 x 2)

12. baara / te nʰe

50.  n̤e kuri teloŋ

13. tera / te sum

60.  sum kuri (20 x 3)

14. chaudʰra / te dia

70.  sum kuri teloŋ

15. pandʰra / te na

80.  dja kuri (20 x 4)

16. sora / te tu

90.  dia kuri teloŋ

17. satra / te nʰi

100. e sai  (<Nepali sai )

18. atʰaara / te jeʔ

200.  n̤e sai

19. unais / te kwaha

1000. e hadʒaar  ( < Nepali hajaar)

20. e kuri

2000. n̤e hadʒaar


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Karnakhar Khatiwada, Central Department of Linguistics, Tribhuvan University, Nepal, March 17, 2014.

供资料的语言学家: Dr. Karnakhar Khatiwada, 2014 年 3 月 17 日.


Other comments: Dhimal has a vigesimal system. Dhimal is an atonal Tibeto-Burman language which still has traditional numerals from one to ten; after ten, they borrow Nepali numerals mixed with indigenous terms. There also recorded traditional numerals from 11 to 19, but not much used now. Dhimal is spoken by approximately 20,000 speakers in Kosi province, Nepal as well as India.

Note: (eʔ=one, loŋ=generic classifier)

Language name and location: Dhimal, Kosi province, Nepal [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区迪马尔, 尼泊尔东部戈西省和印度境内


1. eloŋ

21.  e kuri eloŋ

2. n̤eloŋ

22.  e kuri n̤eloŋ

3. sumloŋ

23.  e kuri sumloŋ

4. djaloŋ

24.  e kuri djaloŋ

5. naloŋ

25.  e kuri naloŋ

6. tuloŋ

26.  e kuri tuloŋ

7. n̤iʔloŋ

27.  e kuri n̤iʔloŋ

8. jeʔloŋ

28.  e kuri jeʔloŋ

9. kohaloŋ

29.  e kuri kohaloŋ

10. teloŋ

30.  e kuri teloŋ (20+10)

11. egʰaara < Indo-Aryan language

40.  n̤e kuri (20 x 2)

12. baara

50.  n̤e kuri teloŋ

13. tera

60.  sum kuri (20 x 3)

14. chaudʰra

70.  sum kuri teloŋ

15. pandʰra

80.  dja kuri (20 x 4)

16. sora

90.  dia kuri teloŋ

17. satra

100. e sai  (<Nepali sai )

18. atʰaara

200.  n̤e sai

19. unais

1000. e hadʒaar (<Nepali hajaar)

20. e kuri

2000. n̤e hadʒaar


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. John Timothy King, Clark University, Massachusetts, USA. January 28, 1999.

供资料的语言学家: Dr. John Timothy King, 1999 年 1 月 28 日.


Other comments: Dhimal has a vigesimal system. Dhimal is an atonal Tibeto-Burman language which still has traditional numerals from one to ten; after ten, they borrow Nepali numerals mixed with indigenous terms.


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