Language name and locationː Cuiba, Colombia, Venezuela [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区奎巴语, 哥伦比亚北部内陆地区阿劳卡省和中东部卡萨纳雷省热带雨林及委内瑞拉境内


1. këwa  

2. nakúeyatabe

3. akoibi (noun)-be or akoibi xóyobe

4. nakuéyatabe xoyobebe, or cuatro xóyobe

5. cinco xóyobe

6. used Spanish numbers from six on.


Linguist providing data and dateː Ms. Isabel Kerr & Ms. Marie Berg , Summer Institute of Linguistics, Colombia, 1989, July 1, 2010.

供资料的语言学家: Mr. Isabel Kerr & Ms. Marie Berg, 1989 年, 2010 年 7 月 1 日.


Other comments: Cuiba or Wamonë-cuiba, Cuiva, Kuiva is spoken by approxiamtely 2,600 speakers in Arauca department: Cravo Norte municipality; Casanare department: Betania, El Merey, Esmeralda, Mochuelo, San José de Ariporo, and Santa María on Capanaparo river and tributaries; Vichada department: Meta river south bank, Colombia as well as Venezuela.

Cuiba Wamonë-cuiba has a traditional counting system up to twenty by using hands and feet before, but now all numbers 6 and beyond are in Spanish. Note that the <ë > was formally written as <ae>; <k> formally was <c / qu>.

The <ù> is a vowel position posterior, back high open and unrounded = IPA [ʊ].

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