Language name and locationː Wu (Shanghai), (Shanghai, China [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区:上海话, 吴语太湖片上海市区的方言。


1. iɪʔ7

21.  ȵie̞6 iɪʔ7/ ȵe̞6 iɪʔ7

2. liã6

22.  ȵie̞6 ȵi6  / liap53 ȵi6

3. se̞1

23.  ȵie̞6 se̞1

4. sɿ5

24.  ȵie̞6 sɿ5

5. ŋ6

25.  ȵie̞6  ŋ6

6. loʔ8

26.  ȵie̞6 loʔ8

7. tsʰiɪ7

27.  ȵie̞6 tsʰiɪ7

8. pa̞ʔ7

28.  ȵie̞6 pa̞ʔ7

9. tɕiɤ5

29.  ȵie̞6 tɕiɤ5

10. zəʔ8

30.  se̞1 səʔ7

11. zəʔ8 iɪʔ7

40.  sɿ5 səʔ7

12. zəʔ8 ȵi6

50.  ŋ6 səʔ7

13. zəʔ8 se̞1

60.  loʔ8 səʔ7

14. zəʔ8 sɿ5

70.  tsʰiɪ7 səʔ7

15. zəʔ8  ŋ6

80.  pa̞ʔ7 səʔ7

16. zəʔ8 loʔ8

90.  tɕiɤ5 səʔ7

17. zəʔ8 tsʰiɪ7

100. iɪʔ7 pa̞ʔ7

18. zəʔ8 pa̞ʔ7

200. liã6 pa̞ʔ7

19. zəʔ8 tɕiɤ5

1000. iɪʔ7 tɕʰi1

20. ȵie̞6 / ȵe̞6

2000. liã6 tɕʰi1


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Tao Huan, Fudan University, Shanghai, China, February 19, 2006

供资料的语言学家: 陶寰博士 (上海复旦大), 2006 年 2 月 19 日.


Other comments: Shanghainese, also known as the Shanghai language, Shanghai dialect, or Hu language, is a Wu Chinese language spoken in the central districts of the City of Shanghai and its surrounding areas. It is classified as part of the Sino-Tibetan language family. Shanghainese, like the rest of the Wu language group, is mutually unintelligible with other varieties of Chinese, such as Mandarin.

In Shanghainese, the numerals 'one' and 'two' have two forms respectively, they are used in different positions. Also, the numeral 'ten' changed in

the decades, 30 to 90.


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