Language name and locationː Min Bei, Fujian, China [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区闽北话 (城村话(Chengcun)), 福建北部,包括武夷山市、建瓯市、松溪县、政和县,浦城县南部,以及南平市区大部分


1. tsi22

21.  noi44 si5 i24

2. noi44

22.  noi44 si5 noi44

3. saŋ52

23.  noi44 si5 saŋ52

4. soi22

24.  noi44 si5 soi22

5. ŋu22

25.  noi44 si5 ŋu22

6. su5

26.  noi44 si5 su5

7. tʰoi24

27.  noi44 si5 tʰoi24

8. pai24

28.  noi44 si5 pai24

9. kiu24

29.  noi44 si5 kiu24

10. si

30.  saŋ52 si5

11. si5 i45

40.  soi22 si5

12. si5 noi44

50.  ŋu22 si5

13. si5 saŋ41

60.  su5 si5

14. si5 soi22

70.  tʰoi24 si5

15. si5 ŋu22

80.  pai24 si5

16. si5 su5

90.  kiu24 si5

17. si5 tʰoi24

100. pa24

18. si5 pai24


19. si5 kiu24

1000. tʰaiŋ52

20. noi44 si5



Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Zev Handel, University of Washington, Seattle, USA, July 11, 2006.

言名称和分布地区: 韩哲夫博士, 2006 年 7 月 11 日.


Other comments: Chengcun is spoken around Chengcun in Wuyishan City in northern Fujian Province. This language is not mutually intelligible with other Min languages.

Northern Min is a group of mutually intelligible Min varieties spoken in Nanping prefecture of northwestern Fujian. According to the Language Atlas of China, Northern Min varieties are spoken throughout the counties of Wuyishan (formerly Chong'an), Jianyang, Jian'ou, Zhenghe and Songxi, in the southern part of Pucheng County and the northeastern part of Shunchang County, and in Yanping District except for the Nanping dialect of the urban area of Nanping, which is an island of an isolated Mandarin dialect of uncertain affinity.


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