Language name and locationː Chamorro, Mariana Islands [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区查莫罗语, 美国属土关岛和马利安纳群岛


1. unu [unu]

21.  benti i unu [bɛnti unu]

2. dos [dos]

22.  benti i dos [bɛnti dos]

3. tres [tɾes]   

23.  benti i tres [bɛnti trɛs]

4. kuåttru [kwɒttɾu] 

24.  benti i kuåttru [bɛnti kwɒttɾu]

5. sinɡku[siŋku]

25.  benti i sinɡku [bɛnti siŋku]

6. sais [sajs]

26.  benti i sais [bɛnti sajs]

7. sietti [sjɛtti]

27.  benti i sietti [bɛnti sjɛtti]

8. otchu [ɔttsu]

28.  benti i otchu [bɛnti ɔttsu]

9. nuebi [nwebi]

29.  benti i nwebi [bɛnti nwebi]

10. dies [djes]

30.  trenta [tɾɛntɑ]

11. onsi [ɔnsi]

40.  kuarenta [kwɑɾɛntɑ]

12. dossi [dɔssi]

50.  sinɡkuenta [siŋkwɛntɑ]

13. tressi [tɾɛssi]

60.  sisenta [sisɛntɑ]

14. katotsi [kɑtɔtsi]

70.  sitenta [sitɛntɑ]

15. kinsi [kinsi]

80.  otchenta [otsɛntɑ]

16. disisais [disisajs]

90.  nubenta [nubɛntɑ]

17. disisietti [disisjɛtti]

100. sientu [sjɛntu]

18. disiotchu [disiʔɔttsu]

200. dos sientu [dos sjɛntu]

19. disinuebi [disinwebi]

1000. mit [mit]

20. benti [bɛnti]

2000. dos mit [dos mit]


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Sandra Chung, Department of Linguistics, University of California, Santa Cruz, USA, February 3, 2005, October 13, 2013.
Referenceː Donald M. Topping, Pedro M. Ogo and B. C. Dungeaː 1975. Chamorro-English Dictionary. The Hawaii University Press.
提供资料的语言学家: Prof. Sandra Chung, 2005 年 2 月 3 日, 2013 年 10 月 13 日.


Other comments: Chamorro has been Influenced from Spanish and Chamorro language has a decimal system similar to that of most Philippine Austronesian languages, however, they don't use their own numeral system anymore for a long time and adopt the Spanish numeral system with native pronunciation now. Below was the obsolete ancient Chamorro counting systems:

1. hacha / maisa / hachiyai

2. hugua / hugua / hugiyai

3. tulo / tato / tolgiyai

4. fatfat / fatfat / fatfatai

5. lima / lailima /limiyai

6. fiti / fafiti / fitgiyai

8. gualu / guagualu / gautgiyai

9. sigua / sasigua / sigiyai

10. manot / maonot / mnutai

11 to 19 are ː manot nagai hacha, manot nagai hugua, ... manot nagai sigua, 20. hugua nga fulu, 21 to 29 areaː, hugua nga fulu nagai hacha, .... hugua nga fulu nagai sigua

30. tulo nga fulu, 40. fatfat nga fulu, 50. lima nga fulu, 60 gunum nga fulu, 70. fiti nga fulu, 80. gualu nga fulu, 90. sigua nga fulu, 100, gatus, 2000. hugua nga fulu, 1000. chalan, 2000. hugua nga chalan.

Note that the above data is in the orthography used in the early 20th century sources and is not reliably phonemic or phonetic and there are three sets of numerals from 1 to 10 in ancient Chamorro numeral system to express series counting, animate and  inanimate objects.

Chamorro is an Austronesian language spoken by about 58,000 people (about 25,800 people on Guam and about 32,200 in the rest of the Mariana Islands and elsewhere).

It is the native and spoken language of the Chamorro people, the indigenous people of the Marianas (Guam and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, which are both US territories.


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