Language name and locationː Butmas-Tur, Espiritu Santo, Vanuatu [Ref to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区 布特马斯-图尔语, 瓦努阿图圣埃斯皮里图岛东部


1. fetei

21.  ŋɑfluɾundɑfetei

2. fuɾu

22.  ŋɑfluɾundɑfuɾu

3. futol

23.  ŋɑfluɾundɑfutol

4. fɑfɑt

24.  ŋɑfluɾundɑfɑfɑt

5. file *

25.  ŋɑfluɾundɑfile

6. limɾɑf   ( 5 + 1)

26.  ŋɑfluɾundɑlimɾɑf

7. ɾɑfɾo     ( 5 + 2)

27.  ŋɑfluɾundɑɾɑfɾo

8. ɾɑftol    ( 5 + 3)

28.  ŋɑfluɾundɑɾɑftol

9. ɾɑpɑt    ( 5 + 4)

29.  ŋɑfluɾundɑɾɑpɑt

10. sɑŋful

30.  ŋɑltolfɑf

11. sɑŋfulndɑfete

40.  ŋɑlfɑt

12. sɑŋfulndɑfuɾu

50.  ŋɑfile

13. sɑŋfulndɑfutol 

60.  ŋɑlimɾɑf

14. sɑŋfulndɑfɑfɑt

70.  ŋɑɾɑfɾo

15. sɑŋfulndɑfile 

80.  ŋɑɾɑftol

16. sɑŋfulndɑlimɾɑf 

90.  ŋɑɾɑpɑt

17. sɑŋfulndɑɾɑfɾo

100. lɑful

18. sɑŋfulndɑɾɑftol

200. lɑfulfuɾu

19. sɑŋfulndɑɾɑpɑt

1000. tɑufɑtɑkɑi

20. ŋɑfluɾu

2000. tɑufuɾu


Linguist providing data and dateː Ms. Hester Pike, SIL International, Vanuatu, April 29, 2010.
供资料的语言学家: Ms. Hester Pike, 2010 年 4 月 29 日.


Other comments: Miri has a quinary counting system. The word 'file', which means 'hands. The word for half is 'senbepal' It really means a half of whole, unlike the usual
Oceanic Austronesian form 'lim' or 'rim'. Miri is spoken in Butmas Village and surrounding village. It is uncertain that if Miri is a newly discovered language, or dialect of the Butmas-Tur language. Butmas-Tur is spoken by about 500 speakers in
east central Espiritu Santo island, Sanma province, Vanuatu.


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