Language name and locationː Bura-Pabir, Borno state, Nigeria [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区布拉-帕比尔语, 尼日利亚东北部博尔诺州


1. ntànɡ

21.  súr kùmarì kà tànk 

2. sùɗà

22.  súr kùmarì kà sùɗà

3. màkə̀r

23.  súr kùmarì kà màkə̀r

4. fwàr

24.  súr kùmarì kà fẁar

5. ntìfù

25.  súr kùmarì kà ntùfù

6. nkwà

26.  súr kùmarì kà kwà

7. mùrfà

27.  súr kùmarì kà mùrfà̀

8. cìsù

28.  súr kùmarì kà cìsù

9. ùmðlà

29.  súr kùmarì kà ùmðlà

10. kùmà

30.  màkùmàrì

11. kùm kà ntànk

40.  fùr kùmàrì

12. kùmyà sùɗà

50.  ntùf kùmàrì

13. kùmyà màkər

60.  kwà kùmàrì

14. kùmyà fwàr

70.  mùrf kùmàrì

15. kùmyà ntùfù

80.  cìs kùmàrì

16. kùmyà kwà

90.  ůmðlà kùmàrì

17. kùmyà mùrfà

100. àrú pál

18. kùmyà cìsù

200. àrú sùɗà

19. kùmyà ùmðlà

1000. dùbú pál

20. súr kùmarì

2000. dùbú sùɗà ( dùbú < Hausa )


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Mohammed Aminu Muazu and Mr. Fibi Balami,
Department of Languages and Linguistics, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri, Nigeria through Prof. Ozo-mekuri Ndimele, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria,
January 9, 2010.
供资料的语言学家: Dr. Mohammed Aminu Muazu and Mr. Fibi Balami, 2010 年 1 月 9 日.


Other comments: Bura or Bura-Pabir is an endangered language spoken in the southern part of the present-day Borno State, Nigeria. Bura has a decimal system of counting. The Bura numerals listed above reveal that to form tens the cardinal units are suffixed to the morpheme kà ten and súr , from twenty up to thirty the cardinal units are suffixed to the morpheme – kùmàrì  kà “twenty” while for forty up to ninety the cardinal units are prefixed to the morpheme kùmàri; and from hundred up to a nine hundred the cardinal units are suffixed to the morpheme àrù. From one thousand up to a nine hundred the cardinal units are suffixed to the morpheme dùbù  and from one million and above the cardinal units are suffixed to the morpheme mìlìyàn. These two forms that is “dùbù and mìlìyàn” are believed to have been borrowed from the Hausa language. In the same vein, we observed that in the counting system of Bura all the cardinals, with the exception of twenty “súr” and the form for one “pál” which have high tones, all the other cardinal constituents of the language have low tones.

Language name and locationː Bura-Pabir, Borno state, Nigeria [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区布拉-帕比尔语, 尼日利亚东北部博尔诺州


1. ntaŋ

21.  sur̃kùmar̃ ka taŋ / dukù

2. suɗà


3. makùr̃


4. fwar̃

24.  sur̃kùmar̃ ka nfwàr̃

5. ntufù

25.  sur̃kùmar̃ ka ntufù

6. ŋ̀kwà


7. murfà


8. ncɨsù


9. ḿðà


10. kuma

30.  makùr̃ kùmarì

11. kum kà tàŋ

40.  fwar̃ kùmarì

12. kum nyɛ suri

50.  ntufù kùmarì

13. kum nyɛ makùr̃

60.  ŋ̀kwà kùmarì

14. kum nyɛ fwar̃

70.  murfà kùmarì

15. kum nyɛ ntufù

80.  ncɨsù  kùmarì

16. kum nyɛ ŋ̀kwà

90.  ḿðà kùmarì

17. kum nyɛ murfà

100. àru

18. kum nyɛ ncɨsù


19. kum nyɛ ḿðà


20. sur̃kùmarì



Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Charles H. Kraft, Fuller Theological Seminary, California, USA, July 18, 2007.
供资料的语言学家: Prof. Charles H. Kraft, 2007 年 7 月 18 日.


Other comments: Bura or Bura-Pabir has a decimal system. There are some missing terms.