Language name and locationː Bunun, Nantou, Taiwan [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区布农 (丹社群方言 Takivatan dialect), 中部南投县信义乡


1. tasʔa

21.   mapusan qan tasʔa

2. dusa

22.   mapusan qan dusa

3. tau

23.   mapusan qan tau

4. pat

24.   mapusan qan pat

5. hima

25.   mapusan qan hima

6. num

26.   mapusan qan num

7. pitu

27.   mapusan qan pitu

8. vau

28.   mapusan qan vau

9. siva

29.   mapusan qan siva

10. matsʔan

30.   matiun

11. matsʔan qan tasʔa

40.   masipatun

12. matsʔan qan dusa

50.   mahimaʔun

13. matsʔan qan tau

60.   manumun

14. matsʔan qan pat

70.   mapituʔun

15. matsʔan qan hima

80.   mavoʔun

16. matsʔan qan num

90.   masivaʔun

17. matsʔan qan pitu

100. tastsaba

18. matsʔan qan vau

200. dusasaba

19. matsʔan qan siva

1000. tasʔa linoqots

20. mapusan

2000. dusa linoqots


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Elizabeth Zeitoun, Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, October 10, 2013.
Resourceː Jiang Yi-juan, 2012. A Sketch Grammar of Takibakha Bunun. M.A. thesis.
Hsinchuː National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan.
供资料的语言学家: Prof. Elizabeth Zeitoun, 2013 年 10 月 10 日.


Other comments: Bunun has a decimal system. The above data was taken from Takivatan dialect of Bunun language spoken in Dili Village, Sinyi Township, Nantou County, Taiwan. Bunun is spoken by about 38,000 speakers (Ethnic population: 60,000) in Zhuoxi and Wanrong townships, Hualien county and Renai and Xinyi townships, Nantou county, and Yanping and Haiduan townships in Taitung county, Taiwan.

Language name and locationː Bunun, Nantou, Taiwan [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区布农 (丹社群方言 Takivatan dialect), 南投县信义乡山地


1. tasʔa

21.   mapusan qan tasʔa

2. ɗusa

22.   mapusan qan ɗusa

3. tau

23.   mapusan qan tau

4. pat

24.   mapusan qan pat

5. hima

25.   mapusan qan hima

6. num

26.   mapusan qan num

7. pitu

27.   mapusan qan pitu

8. vau

28.   mapusan qan vau

9. siva

29.   mapusan qan siva

10. masʔan

30.   matiʔun

11. masʔan qan tasʔa

40.   mapatun

12. masʔan qan ɗusa

50.   mahimaʔun

13. masʔan qan tau

60.   manumun

14. masʔan qan pat

70.   mapituʔun

15. masʔan qan hima

80.   mavauʔun

16. masʔan qan num

90.   masivaʔun

17. masʔan qan pitu

100. saɓa

18. masʔan qan vau

200. ɗusa saɓa

19. masʔan qan siva

1000. siŋiŋ

20. mapusan

2000. ɗusa siŋiŋ


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Rik De Busser , Assistant Professor at Graduate Institute of Linguistics, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan. July 17, 2013.

供资料的语言学家: Dr. Rik De Busser, 2013 年 7 月 17 日


Other comments: Bunun has a decimal system. The above data was taken from Takivatan dialect of Bunun language.

Language name and locationː Bunun, Nantou, Taiwan [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区布农 (郡社群方言 Isbukun dialect), 中南部 


1. tasa / tacini

21.   mapusan han tasa

2. dusa / dadusa (cf. padusa 'half')

22.   mapusan han dusa

3. tau / tatau

23.   mapusan han tau

4. paat /sasapaat

24.   mapusan han paat

5. ima; himaʔ / a-ima; hahima

25.   mapusan han ima

6. nuum / a-apnum

26.   mapusan han nuum

7. pitu /papitu

27.   mapusan han pitu

8. vau / vavau

28.   mapusan han vau

9. siva / sasiva

29.   mapusan han siva

10. mas-an / mamas-an

30.   maciun

11. mas-an han tasa

40.   masipaatun

12. mas-an han dusa

50.   ma-imaun

13. mas-an han tau

60.   manuumun

14. mas-an han paat

70.   mapituun

15. mas-an han ima

80.   mavaun

16. mas-an han nuum

90.   masivaun

17. mas-an han pitu

100. saba; tastusaba

18. mas-an han vau


19. mas-an han siva

1000. mas-an suh(a)is saba; tastulinuhus

20. mapusan



Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Haowen Jiang, Department of Linguistics, Rice University, US.  July 3, 2012.
供资料的语言学家: 江豪文博士, 2012 年 7 月 3 日


Other comments: Bunun has a decimal system. There are two forms of cardinal numbers from 1 to 10 in Isbukun Bunun. The first one is used in series counting and counting
things, the second for counting
human beings. There are there expressions for 1000ː

1. mas-an suh(a)is saba; 2. tastulinuhus; 3. tastumas-an

Note 1: The terms on the left of the slash (/) are used for non-human entities while those on the right for human ones.

Note 2: Ordinal numbers are formed by adding tasmai- to the beginning of cardinal numbers, e.g. tasmaidusa ‘second’,  tasmaisiva ‘nineth’, tasmaimas-anhantasa ‘eleventh’ etc.

Note 3: The hyphen functions like the diaeresis in French (i.e. two dots over the letter,

e.g. naive). It does not mark morpheme boundaries.

Language name and locationː Bunun, Nantou, Taiwan [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区布农 (中部方言 Central dialect), 中南部 南投县


1. tasʔaʔ / tatiniʔ

21.   mapusan qan tasʔaʔ

2. dusaʔ / (da)dusaʔ

22.   mapusan qan dusaʔ

3. tau / (ta)tau

23.   mapusan qan tau

4. paat / (sas)pat

24.   mapusan qan paat

5. himaʔ / (ha)himaʔ

25.   mapusan qan himaʔ

6. nuum / (haʔ)num

26.   mapusan qan nuum

7. pituʔ / (pa)pituʔ

27.   mapusan qan pituʔ

8. vauʔ / vavauʔ

28.   mapusan qan vauʔ

9. sivaʔ / sasiva

29.   mapusan qan sivaʔ

10. masʔan / mamasʔan

30.   matiʔun

11. masʔan qan tasʔaʔ

40.   masipatun

12. masʔan qan dusaʔ

50.   mahimaʔun

13. masʔan qan tau

60.   manumun

14. masʔan qan paat

70.   mapituʔun

15. masʔan qan himaʔ

80.   mavauʔun

16. masʔan qan nuum

90.   masivaʔun

17. masʔan qan pituʔ

100. sabaʔ

18. masʔan qan vauʔ

200. dusaʔ sabaʔ

19. masʔan qan sivaʔ

1000. masʔan sabaʔ ( 10 x 100 )

20. mapusan



Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Paul Jen-kuei Li , Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, March 21, 1993.
供资料的语言学家: 李壬癸教授, 1993 年 3 月 21 日


Other comments: Bunun has a decimal system. There are two forms of cardinal numbers from 1 to 10 in Bunun. The first one is used in series counting and counting things, the second for counting human beings.


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