Language name and locationː Wu Nai, Longhui, Hunan, China [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区唔奈 (Hm Nai), 中国湖南省隆回县和广西壮族自治区


1. i35

21.  ȵa21 kʰu31 ie213

2. ua35

22.  ȵa21 kʰu31 ua35

3. po35

23.  ȵa21 kʰu31 po35

4. tsi35

24.  ȵa21 kʰu31 tsi35

5. pia35

25.  ȵa21 kʰu31 pia35

6. tju55

26.  ȵa21 kʰu31 tju55

7. tɕa21

27.  ȵa21 kʰu31 tɕa21

8. ɕi31

28.  ȵa21 kʰu31 ɕi31

9. ko33

29.  ȵa21 kʰu31 ko33

10. kʰu31

30.  po35 kʰu31

11. kʰu31 ie213

40.  tsi35 kʰu31

12. kʰu31 ua35

50.  pia35 kʰu31

13. kʰu31 po35

60.  tju55 kʰu31

14. kʰu31 tsi35

70.  tɕa21 kʰu31

15. kʰu31 pia35

80.  ɕi31 kʰu31

16. kʰu31 tju55

90.  ko33 kʰu31

17. kʰu31 tɕa21

100.  i35 pe55  <Chinese

18  kʰu31 ɕi31

200. ua35pe55

19. kʰu31 ko33

1000. i35 ɕe55 <Chinese

20. ȵa21 kʰu31  *

2000. ua35ɕe55


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Chen Qiguang, Minzu University of China, Beijing, China, November 24, 1993。

供资料的语言学家: 陈其光教授(北京中央民族大学 ), 1993 年 11 月24 日.


Other comments: Wu Nai has a decimal system. Note that the phonetic symbol [ȵ] is called "alveolo-palatal nasal" by Chinese linguists, this symbol is not recognized by the IPA. The approximate value is equal to IPA [ɲ]. The data were taken from Mao'ao village, Longhui County, Hunan. Wu Nai: (ISO 639: bwn). Alternate Names: Hm Nai, Ngnai, Punu, Wunai. Wu Nai is spoken by approximately 20,000 speakers in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region: small area; Hunan province: Chengbu, Chenxi, Dongkou, Longhui, Tongdao, Xinning, and Xupu counties, China.

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