Language name and locationː Nu Nu, Guangxi, China [Refer to Ethnologue ]

语言名称和分布地区: 努努瑶语, 广西西北部凌云县陶化等乡、凤山县、东兰县、巴马 县西山等乡田林县乐业县背垅瑶所讲的语言 (no22 no22, po33 no22) -5.4万人讲的语言。


1. i53

21.  ȵɔŋ33 i53

2. əu53

22.  ȵɔŋ33 əu53

3. pe53

23.  ȵɔŋ33 pe53

4. tɕa53

24.  ȵɔŋ33 tɕa53

5. pɤ53

25.  ȵɔŋ33 53

6. tɕu23

26.  ȵɔŋ33 tɕu23

7. ʂɔŋ22

27.  ȵɔŋ33 ʂɔŋ22

8. jo22

28.  ȵɔŋ33 jo22

9. tɕu32

29.  ȵɔŋ33 tɕu32


30.  pe53 tɕu22

11.tɕu22 i53

40.  tɕa53 tɕu22

12.tɕu22 əu53

50.  53 tɕu22

13.tɕu22 pe53

60.  tɕu23 tɕu22

14.tɕu22 tɕa53

70.  ʂɔŋ22 tɕu22

15.tɕu22 53

80.  jo22 tɕu22

16.tɕu22 tɕu23

90.  tɕu32 tɕu22

17.tɕu22 ʂɔŋ22

100.  i53 pei23   < Chinese

18 tɕu22 jo22

200. əu53 pei23

19.tɕu22 tɕu32

1000. i53 ʂin53 < Chinese

20.ȵɔŋ33 tɕu22

2000. əu53 ʂin53


Linguist providing data and dateː Profs. Pan Chengqian, Deng Fanggui and Meng
, July 28, 1993. Minzu University of China, Beijing, China
提供资的语言学家: 盘承乾教授、邓方贵教授、蒙朝吉教授(北京中央民族大学), 1993 年 7 月 28 日.


Other comments: Nunu has a decimal system. Nunu they still preserve their traditional numeral system. The Nunu is spoken in Ningyun and nearby counties in Western Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region by about 30,000 speakers. 

Bu-Nao Bunu (ISO 639: bwx). Alternate Names: Bu-Nao Bunu, Bunao, Bunu, Po-Nau, Pu Nu, Punu, is spoken by approximately 400,000 speakers in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region: 22 counties, Bama, Bose, Dahua, Debao, Donglan, Du’an, Fengshan, Hechi, Laibin, Leye, Lingyun, Long’an, Luocheng, Mashan, Nandan, Pingguo, Shanglin, Tiandeng, Tiandong, Tianlin, Tianyang, and Xincheng; Guizhou province: Libo county; Hunan province: near Guangxi border; Yunnan province: Funing county. Dialects: Dongnu (Punu, Tung Nu), Nunu, Bunuo (Pu No), Baonao (Baonuo, Nao Khalo, Nao Klao, Naogelao, Nau Klau, Pounou), Numao (Hong Yao, Nu Mhou), Nodo. The dialects listed may be at least 5 languages (Strecker 1987), communication is difficult (McConnell 1995).

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