Language name and locationː Bughotu, Solomon Islands [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区布戈图语, 所罗门群岛圣伊沙贝尔岛


1. sikei

21.  tutuɣu sikei

2. rua

22.  tutuɣu rua

3. tolu

23.  tutuɣu tolu

4. vati

24.  tutuɣu vati

5. lima 

25.  tutuɣu lima

6. ono

26.  tutuɣu ono

7. vitu

27.  tutuɣu vitu

8. alu

28.  tutuɣu alu

9. hia

29.  tutuɣu hia

10. salaɣe

30.  tolu haŋavulu

11. salaɣe sikei

40.  rua tutuɣu (litː 'two scores')

12. salaɣe rua

50.  lima haŋavulu

13. salaɣe tolu

60.  tolu tutuɣu (litː 'three scores')

14. salaɣe vati

70.  vitu haŋavulu

15. salaɣe lima

80.  vati tutuɣu  (litː 'four scores')

16. salaɣe ono

90.  hia haŋavulu

17. salaɣe vitu

100. sina haðaŋatu

18. salaɣe alu

200. rua haðaŋatu, 1000. toɣa, 10,000. mola

19. salaɣe hia

100,000. feferi, 1,000,000. vuthera

20. tutuɣu (litː 'a score')

10,000,000. vatheɣila


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. John Bruner, Solomon Islands Translation Advisory Group / SIL International, April 2, 1998, March 15, 2011.
提供资的语言家: Mr. John Bruner, 1998 年 4 月 2 日, 2011 年 3 月 16 日.


Other comments: The Bugotu or Bughotu numeral system is based on a decimal system and is similar to many Oceanic languages. Bugotu historically has separate lexical items for hundred, thousand, ten thousand 'mola', hundred thousand 'feferi', million 'vuthera' and ten million 'vatheɣila'. People no longer use the numerals over thousand (toɣa) however and instead use the Pijin numerals. Bugotu is spoken by about 4,000 speakers in  southeast end of Santa Isabel island, Isabel province, Solomon Islands.


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