Language name and locationː Biao Min, Guangxi, Hunan, China [Refer to Ethnologue]
语言名称和分布地区: 标敏勉语, 广西壮族自治区全州, 灌阳, 湖南零陵, 道县


1. i33

21.  ȵi42 in53

2. wəi33

22.  ȵi42 ȵi42

3. pau33

23.  ȵi42 san33

4. pləi33

24.  ȵi42 səi13

5. pla33

25.  ȵi42 ȶ42

6. klɔ53

26.  ȵi42 ɬjɔ42

7. ni42

27.  ȵi42 tsʰan53

8. hjɛn42

28.  ȵi42 pən53

9. iu31

29.  ȵi42 ȶu35

10. ȶʰan42

30.  sa53 ȶʰan42

11. tɕʰin42   < (tɕi42+ in53) Chinese

40.  səi13 ȶʰan42

12. tɕi42 ȵi42

50.  42 ȶʰan42

13. tɕi42 san33

60.  ɬjɔ42 ȶʰan42

14. tɕi42 səi13

70.  tsʰan53 ȶʰan42

15. tɕi42 ȶ42

80.  pən53 ȶʰan42

16. tɕi42 ɬjɔ42

90.  ȶu35 ȶʰan42

17. tɕi42 tsʰan53

100. i33 pe53  <Chinese

18  tɕi42 pən53

200. ȵi42 pe53

19. tɕi42 ȶu35

1000. i33 tɕʰen33 <Chinese

20. ȵi42 ȶʰan42

2000. ȵi42 tɕʰen33


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Mao Zongwu, Centre of Minority Languages, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, April 3, 1993
提供资的语言学家: 毛宗武教授(中国社科院民族研究所 ), 1993 年 4 月5 日.


Other comments: Biao Min has a decimal system. Biao Min only retained traditional numerals from one to ten, after ten they use borrowings from Chinese variety mixing with indigenous terms. Biao Min (alternate names: Ao Biao, Biao Chao, Biao-Jiao, Biaomin, Byau Min, Dongshan Biao Min), is spoken by  35,000 speakers in Gongcheng Yao, Guanyang, and Quanzhou autonomous counties, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, and Daoxian and Shuangpai counties, Hunan province, China. Dialects Biaomin (Dongshan) and Jiaogong (Shikou) reportedly mutually unintelligible. Quite different from and unintelligible with Biao Mon (Biaoman). Lexical similarity: 70% with Iu Mien, 67% with Kim Mun, 58% with Dzao Min.

Language name and locationː Ao Biao, Jinxiu, Guangxi, China  [Refer to Ethnologue]
语言名称和分布地区: 坳标勉语, 广西金秀瑶族自治县罗香乡 (大约三千人)


1. jit43

21.  ȵi11 ʃap42 jet43

2. vi33

22.  ȵi11 ʃap42 ȵei11

3. pu33


4. pje33


5. pla33


6. kwo43


7. ȵi11


8. jat32


9. du31


10. ɕep32

30.  θaːm33 ɕep32

11. ɕep32 jet43

40.  θei35 ɕep32

12. ɕep32 ȵet11

50.  ŋou213 ɕep32

13. ɕep32 θaːm33

60.  gwo32 ɕep32

14. ɕep32 θei35

70.  θjet43 ɕep32

15. ɕep32 ŋou213

80.  pet43 ɕep32

16. ɕep32 gwo32

90.  tɕu53 ɕep32

17. ɕep32 θjet43

100. jet43 43   < Chinese

18. ɕep32 pet43


19. ɕep32 tɕu53

1000. jet43 a33 θin33 < Chinese

20. ȵi11 ɕep32



Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Mao Zongwu, Centre of Minority Languages, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, April 3, 1993
提供资的语言学家: 毛宗武教授(中国社科院民族研究所 ), 1993 年 4 月5 日.


Other comments: Ao Biao has a decimal system. This Yao language is spoken by about 3,000 speakers around Luoxiang township, Jinxiu Yao Autonomous County, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China.  

Language name and locationː Moxi, Guangxi, China [Refer to Ethnologue]
语言名称和分布地区: 莫西瑶语, 广西恭城县三江乡牛尾寨 (大约三千人)


1. i33

21.  ȵi31 tɕʰɯ53 55

2. wei33

22.  ȵi31 tɕʰɯ53 ȵi31

3. pəu33


4. pɣɯi33


5. pɤa33


6. kɤɔ55


7. ɕi31


8. hjɯ53


9. du53


10. tɕʰwa53

30.  san33 tɕʰɯ53

11. tɕʰɯ53 55

40.  si31 tɕʰɯ53

12. tɕʰɯ53 ȵi31

50.  ŋəu433 tɕʰɯ53

13. tɕʰɯ53 san33

60.  hɣɔ31 tɕʰɯ53

14. tɕʰɯ53 si44

70.  tʰjɯ55 tɕʰɯ53

15. tɕʰɯ53 ŋəu433

80.  pje55  tɕʰɯ53

16. tɕʰɯ53 hɣɔ31

90.  kjəu35 tɕʰɯ53

17. tɕʰɯ53 tʰjɯ53

100. i33 pje55   <Chinese

18  tɕʰɯ53 pje55

200. wei33 pje55

19. tɕʰɯ53 kjəu35

1000. i33 tsʰin33 <Chinese

20. ȵi31 tɕʰɯ53

2000. wei33 tsʰin33


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Mao Zongwu, Centre of Minority Languages, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. April 5, 1993
提供资的语言学家: 毛宗武教授(中国社科院民族研究所 ), 1993 年 4 月 5 日.


Other comments: Moxi Yao language is spoken by about 2,000 speakers at Niuweizai
village of Sanjiang township, Gongcheng Yao Autonomous County, Guangxi Zhuang
Autonomous Region, China. 

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