Language name and location: Bench, Peoples’ region, Ethiopia [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区: 本奇 (吉米拉Gimira), 埃塞俄比亚南方各族州人民


1. matʼ3 / [mātʼ]

21.  nam3ta2mama3tʼa4 

2. nam4  / [nám]

22.  nam3ta2mana4ma4 

3. kaz4  / [káz]

23.  nam3ta2maka4za4 

4. od4  / [ód]

24.  nam3ta2mao4da4 

5. ut͡ʃ2  / [ùtʂ]

25.  nam3ta2mau2t͡ʃa4 

6. sa2pm3 / [sàpm̄]

26.  nam3ta2masap2ma4

7. na2pm / [nàpm̄]

27.  nam3ta2manap2ma4

8. nʸar2tn3 / [njàrtn̄]

28.  nam3ta2manʸart2na4

9. irs2tn / [ìrstn̄]

29.  nam3ta2mairst2na4

10. tam / [ta̋m]

30.  kaz3tam2 [tàm]

11. ta5mamatʼ3a4 

40.  od3tam2

12. ta5manam4a4 

50.  ut͡ʃ5n3tam2

13. ta5makaz4a4  / [ta̋má kázá]

60.  sa5pm3tam2

14. ta5maod4a4 

70.  na5pm3tam2

15. ta5mau2t͡ʃa4 

80.  nʸar5tn3tam2

16. ta5masa2pma4

90.  irs5tn3tam2

17. ta5manap2ma4

100. bal2-3 / [bǎl]

18. ta5manʸart2na4

200.  nambal2-3

19. ta5mairst2na4

1000. namwum2-3 / [wňm]

20. nam3tam / [tàm]

2000. nam4 wum2-3


Linguist providing data and dateː Ms. Mary Breeze, Summer Institute of Linguistics, Ethiopia, August 17, 1995.
供资料的语言学家: Ms. Mary Breeze, 1995 年 8 月 17 日.


Other comments: Bench or Gimira has a decimal numeral system. There are five level tones in this language; tone mark 1 is the lowest, 2-3 is a glide. 20, 30, etc. are formed by adding [tàm] "ten" (with tone change) to the unit. In compound numbers, [-á] is added to each 'figure, thus: 13 [ta̋má kázá], 236 [nám bǎlá kāztàmá sàpm̄á]
Bench, formerly called Gimir, is a Northern Omotic language of the "Gimojan" subgroup, spoken by about 174,000 people (in 1998) in the Bench Maji Zone of the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples Region, in southern Ethiopia, around the towns of Mizan Teferi and Shewa Gimira. In a 2006 dissertation, Christian Rapold described three varieties of Bench (Benchnon, Shenon, and Mernon) as "...mutually intelligible...varieties of one and the same language".


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