Language name and locationː Basketo, North Omo zone, Ethiopia [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区巴斯克托语, 埃塞俄比亚西南部各族民族州北奥莫区


1. péttɑ́n or péttí ( as modifier)

21.  lɑ̀mtɑ́m péttɑ́n

2. nɑ̀mʔí

22.  lɑ̀mtɑ́m nɑ̀mʔí

3. hɑ̀izzí

23.  lɑ̀mtɑ́m hɑ̀izzí

4. òiddí

24.  lɑ̀mtɑ́m òiddí

5. ìʃʃín

25.  lɑ̀mtɑ́m ìʃʃín

6. lèhí

26.  lɑ̀mtɑ́m lèhí

7. tɑ̀bzɑ́

27.  lɑ̀mtɑ́m tɑ̀bzɑ́

8. lɑ̀mɑ́hɑ́i ~ lɑ̀mɑ́kɑ́i

28.  lɑ̀mtɑ́m lɑ̀mɑ́hɑ́i

9. sɑ̀ɑkɑ̀lí ~ sɑ̀ɑkìlí

29.  lɑ̀mtɑ́m sɑ̀ɑkɑ̀lí

10. tɑ́ɓɓɑ́

30.  hɑ̀izzí tɑ́ɓɓɑ́

11. tɑ́ɓɓɑ́ péttɑ́n

40.  òiddí tɑ́ɓɓɑ́

12. tɑ́ɓɓɑ́ nɑ̀mʔí

50.  ìʃʃín tɑ́ɓɓɑ́

13. tɑ́ɓɓɑ́ hɑ̀izzí

60.  lèhí tɑ́ɓɓɑ́

14. tɑ́ɓɓɑ́ òiddí

70.  tɑ̀bzɑ́ tɑ́ɓɓɑ́  

15. tɑ́ɓɓɑ́ ìʃʃín

80.  lɑ̀mɑ́hɑ́i tɑ́ɓɓɑ́  

16. tɑ́ɓɓɑ́ lèhí

90.  sɑ̀ɑkɑ̀lí tɑ́ɓɓɑ́

17. tɑ́ɓɓɑ́ tɑ̀bzɑ́

100. tsʼéetɑ̀ or ɡɑ́bbɑ̀

18. tɑ́ɓɓɑ́ lɑ̀mɑ́hɑ́i

200. nɑ̀mʔí tsʼéetɑ

19. tɑ́ɓɓɑ́ sɑ̀ɑkɑ̀lí 

1000. múkìlɑ̀ ~ múkùlà

20. lɑ̀mtɑ́m

2000. nɑ̀mʔí múkìlɑ̀


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Yvonne Treis, Postdoctoral Research Fellow,

LLACAN - UMR 8135 du CNRS, Centre Georges Haudricourt, Bat. C, 7, Villejuif Cedex

France. January 16, 2016.

供资料的语言学家: Dr. Yvonne Treis, 2013  年 1 月 16 日.


Other comments: Basketo has a decimal system. The numbers between 10 and 19 consist of tɑ́ɓɓɑ ́‘-teen’ (= the modifying form of tɑ́ɓɓɑ ’10′) and the numerals given above.

The numeral ‘twenty’ cannot be derived from ‘two’: 20: lamtam (LH)

All other tens, however, consist of a unit numeral as multiplier and tabb’a ‘ten, -ty’, e.g. 30: haizzi (LH) tɑɓɓɑ   (HH), 40: oiddi (LH) tɑɓɓɑ (HH) … 90: saakali (LLH) tɑɓɓɑ (HH) ~ saakili (LLH) tɑɓɓɑ (HH)

The highest Baskeet numbers are: 100: ts’eeta (HL) or gabba (HL)*

1000: mukila (HLL) ~ mukula (HLL)

By experience, the higher numbers (i.e. numbers starting from 30) are generally expressed in Amharic,  even by otherwise monolingual Basketo speakers. For price negotiations at the market, it is thus sufficient to know the Basketo numbers up to 20 and then to continue in Amharic.

Note on some orthographic conventions: ’ = [ʔ], z/zz = [z/dz], sh/ssh = [ʃ/ʃ:],

b’/bb’ = [ɓ/ɓ:], indicates a germinate bilabial implosive, all vowel-initial words start in fact with a glottal stop [Ɂ]. The tilde ~ introduces pronunciation variants.

* The first term is possibly of Gofa origin.

Basketo is an Afro-Asiatic language spoken by approximately 90,000 speakers in the Basketo special woreda of the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples Region, which is part of Ethiopia. The speakers refer to the language as "Masketo", while their neighbors refer to it as "Basketo."

Language name and locationː Basketo, North Omo zone, Ethiopia [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区巴斯克托语, 埃塞俄比亚西南部各族民族州北奥莫区


1. pʰɜtʰːɜn

21.  lɑmtʰɑm pʰɜtʰːɜn

2. nɑmʔi

22.  lɑmtʰɑm nɑmʔi

3. ɑjdzi

23.  lɑmtʰɑm ɑjdzi

4. ojdi

24.  lɑmtʰɑm ojdi

5. ɪʃːɪn

25.  lɑmtʰɑm ɪʃːɪn

6. lɜhi

26.  lɑmtʰɑm lɜhi

7. tɑbzɑ

27.  lɑmtʰɑm tɑbzɑ

8. lɑmɑkʰɑj

28.  lɑmtʰɑm lɑmɑkʰɑj

9. sɑːkʰɑli

29.  lɑmtʰɑm

10. tɑʔɓɑ

30.  ɑjdzi tɑʔɓɑ

11. tɑʔɓɑ pʰɜtʰːɜn

40.  ojdi tɑʔɓɑ

12. tɑʔɓɑ nɑmʔi

50.  ɪʃːɪn tɑʔɓɑ

13. tɑʔɓɑ ɑjdzi

60.  lɜhi tɑʔɓɑ

14. tɑʔɓɑ ojdi

70.  tɑbzɑ tɑʔɓɑ

15. tɑʔɓɑ ɪʃːɪn

80.  lɑmɑkʰɑj tɑʔɓɑ

16. tɑʔɓɑ lɜhi

90.  sɑːkʰɑli tɑʔɓɑ 

17. tɑʔɓɑ tɑbzɑ

100. tsʼeːtʰɑ

18. tɑʔɓɑ lɑmɑkʰɑj

200. nɑmʔi tsʼeːtʰɑ

19. tɑʔɓɑ sɑːkʰɑli

1000. muːkula

20. lɑmtʰɑm

2000. nɑmʔi muːkula


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Simon Caudwell, Summer Institute of Linguistics, Ethiopia, September 14, 1997.

供资料的语言学家: Mr. Simon Caudwell, 1997 年 9 月 14 日.


Other comments: Basketto has a decimal system. Basketto is a tonal language, the above data did not indicate stress and tone marks.