Language name and locationː Bakairí, Mato Grosso state, Brazil [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区巴凯里语, 巴西西部马托格罗索州北部桑塔纳巴凯里原住民领地 


1. tokalâ

2. azaɡâ

3. azaɡâ tokalâ wara ( 2+1 )

4. azaɡâ, azaɡâ wara  ( 2+2 )

5. azaɡâ, azaɡâ, tokalâ wara ( 2+2+1)


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Sérgio Meira, Paraense Museu Goeldi-CCH, Department Member, Brazil, April 1, 2015.

提供资的语言: Dr. Sérgio Meira, 2015 年 4 月 1 日.


Other comments: Bakairí, Bacairí, Kurâ is spoken by approximately 950 speakers in

 about 9 villages in on the Bakairi Indigenous Lands (61,405.5905 hectares) and Santana (35,479.7443 hectares), Mato Grosso state, Brazil. They call themselves Kurâ, Bakairi being a Portuguese term of unknown origin. They currently live in the Santana and Bakairi Indigenous Territories of northern Mato Grosso, in the municipality of Paranatinga in the northern cerrado south of the Amazon rain forest. Santana is located in the municipality of Nobres and gets its name from one of the tributaries of the Rio Novo which, in forming part of its limits, descends to the Arinos, tributary of the Juruena, branch of the Tapajós. The Bakairi Indigenous Land is almost entirely located in the municipality of Paranatinga, on the right bank of the Paranatinga or Telles Pires River, tributary of the Tapajós. A part of it is situated in the municipality of Planalto da Serra, on the left bank of that river. In the vicinity there are the Urubu and Daniel hills, and part of Serra Azul.

   Bakairi counting system is very simple with only two word as number. Actually they do not use more than numbers one and two.

Note that the word for 1 is <tokalâ>, with a circumflex on the second a (<â> represents a schwa vowel [ə] in Bakairi); similarly, 2 is <azagâ>, also with an â (schwa) as the final vowel. I also agree with the lady who filled in your form.

Language name and locationː Bakairí, Mato Grosso state, Brazil [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区巴凯里语, 巴西西部马托格罗索州北部桑塔纳巴凯里原住民领地 


1. tokala

2. azaɡa

3. azaɡa tokala wara ( 2+1 )

4. azaɡa, azaɡa wara  ( 2+2 )

5. azaɡa, azaɡa, tokala wara ( 2+2+1 )


Linguist providing data and dateː Ms. Millicent R. Liccardi, Summer Institute of Linguistics, Brazil, October 27, 1994.

提供资的语言: Ms. Millicent R. Liccardi, 1994 年 10 月 27 日.


Other comments: Bakairi counting system is very simple with only two word as number. Actually they do not use more than numbers one and two.

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