Language name and locationː Baikeno, Oecusse, East Timor [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区拜克诺语 (拜克努语 Baikenu), 东帝汶岛西北部欧库西区


1. mesaʔ

21.  bo'nua mesaʔ

2. nua

22.  bo'nua nua

3. teun

23.  bo'nua teun

4. haː

24.  bo'nua haː

5. nim

25.  bo'nua nim

6. neʔe

26.  bo'nua neʔe

7. hiut

27.  bo'nua hiut 

8. faun

28.  bo'nua faun

9. sio

29.  bo'nua sio

10. bɔʔ'es

30.  bo'teun

11. bɔʔ'es meseʔ

40.  bo'haː

12. bɔʔ'es nua

50.  bo'niːm

13. bɔʔ'es teun

60.  bo'neʔe

14. bɔʔ'es haː  

70.  bo'hiut

15. bɔʔ'es nim  

80.  bo'faun

16. bɔʔ'es neʔe

90.  bo'sio

17. bɔʔ'es hiut

100. natun mesaʔ

18. bɔʔ'es faun

200. natun nua

19. bɔʔ'es sio

1000. nifun mesaʔ

20. bo'nua

2000. nifun nua


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Geoffrey Hull, National Institute of Linguistics

(Insitituto Nacional de Linguistica), East Timor. June 17, 1996.

供资料的语言学家: Dr. Geoffrey Hull, 1996 年 6 月 17 日.


Other comments: Baikenu or Baikeno or East Timorese has a decimal system. There are vowel metathesis for the numbers teun 3, hiut 7; the faun 8, and the numbers haː4 neʔe 6 metathesis happened and lose the final consonants. Baikenu is spoken by 70,000 speakers in Oecusse municipality, enclave separated from the rest of East Timor.


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