Language name and location: Bagobo-Klata, Mindanao, Philippines [Ref to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区巴戈博-克拉塔语 (吉安加语), 菲律宾棉兰老岛达沃市以东地区


1. hɔtu

21.  uwwɔ pɔlluʔ hɔtu

2. uwwɔ

22.  uwwɔ pɔlluʔ uwwɔ

3. tɔllu

23.  uwwɔ pɔlluʔ tɔllu

4. appat

24.  uwwɔ pɔlluʔ appat

5. limɔ

25.  uwwɔ pɔlluʔ limɔ

6. ɔnnɔm

26.  uwwɔ pɔlluʔ ɔnnɔm

7. pittu

27.  uwwɔ pɔlluʔ pittu

8. wɔlu

28.  uwwɔ pɔlluʔ wɔlu

9. hiyɔw

29.  uwwɔ pɔlluʔ hiyɔw

10. pɔlluʔ

30.  tɔllu pɔlluʔ

11. pɔlluʔ hɔtu

40.  appat pɔlluʔ

12. pɔlluʔ uwwɔ

50.  limɔ pɔlluʔ

13. pɔlluʔ tɔllu

60.  ɔnnɔm pɔlluʔ

14. pɔlluʔ appat

70.  pittu pɔlluʔ

15. pɔlluʔ limɔ

80.  wɔlu pɔlluʔ

16. pɔlluʔ ɔnnɔm

90.  hiyɔw pɔlluʔ

17. pɔlluʔ pittu

100. mlɔtus

18. pɔlluʔ wɔlu

200. uwwɔ mlɔtus

19. pɔlluʔ hiyɔw

1000. hɔtu mlala

20. uwwɔ pɔlluʔ

2000. uwwɔ mlala


Linguist providing data and dateː Ms. Lauretta Dubois, SIL International, Philippines. September 8, 1996, February 4, 2014.

供资料的语言学家: Ms. Lauretta Dubois, 1996 年 9 月 8 日, 2014 年 2 月 4 日.


Other comments: Bagobo-Kalta or Giangan has a decimal system. Note that normally, in Tagabawa (the language we studied, also called Bagobo), any syllable with a schwa is not stressed. Any lengthened consonant "pittu" would have initial stress: pit'tu. Normally stress occurs on the penultimate syllable, but the old data should be checked again with a Giangan speaker. Bagobo-Kalta is spoken by about 55,000 speakers on the eastern slopes of Mount Apo in Davao del Sur Province, as well as in Davao City in an area stretching from Catalunan to Calinan.


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