Language name and location: Azha, Yunnan province, China [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区倮家邑彝语, 云南省文山县秉烈乡倮家邑村


1. ti33

21.  ni33 tsi44 ti33

2. ni33

22.  ni33 tsi44 ni33

3. sɨ44

23.  ni33 tsi44 44

4. ɬi44

24.  ni33 tsi44 ɬi44

5. ŋɔ22

25.  ni33 tsi44 ŋɔ22

6. tsʰɯ22

26.  ni33 tsi44 tsʰɯ22

7. ʂɨ22

27.  ni33 tsi44 ʂɨ22

8. xi22

28.  ni33 tsi44 xi22

9. tɕy44

29.  ni33 tsi44 tɕy44

10. tsʰɛ21

30.  sɨ44 tsʰɛ21

11. tsʰɛ21 ti33

40.  ɬi44 tsʰɛ21

12. tsʰɛ21 ni33

50.  ŋɔ22 tsʰɛ21

13. tsʰɛ21 44

60.  tsʰɯ22 tsʰɛ21

14. tsʰɛ21 ɬi44

70.  ʂɨ22 tsʰɛ21

15. tsʰɛ21 ŋɔ22

80.  xi22 tsʰɛ21

16. tsʰɛ21 tsʰɯ22

90.  tɕy44 tsʰɛ21  

17. tsʰɛ21 ʂɨ22

100. ti33 21 ?

18. tsʰɛ21 xi22

200. ni33 21 ?

19. tsʰɛ21 tɕy44

1000. ti33 toe33 ?

20. ni33 tsi44

2000. ni33 toe33 ?


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Jamin Pelkey, La Trobe University, Australia /SIL International, November 11, 2008.

供资料的语言学家: Dr. Jamin Pelkey, 2008 年 11 月 11 日.


Other comments: Azha has a decimal system. Azha or Black Phula is a language in the Southeastern Ngwi group spoken by approximately 50,000 speakers Wenshan and Yanshan counties’ border, Yunnan province, China.

Note that the forms of compound numerals 13 to 19, 22 to 29, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 200 and 2000 need to be checked with new data. Please note that there are two different forms for the number ''ten''.


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