Language name and locationː Mag-Indi Ayta, Philippines [Refer toː Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区格因地-艾塔语, 菲律宾中央吕宋地区三描礼士省及附近地区


1. ɡi'saʔ

21.   luwam'puʔ buy ɡi'saʔ

2. lu'waʔ

22.   luwam'puʔ buy lu'waʔ

3. tat'luʔ

23.   luwam'puʔ buy tat'luʔ

4. a'pat

24.   luwam'puʔ buy a'pat

5. li'maʔ

25.   luwam'puʔ buy li'maʔ

6. a'nɨm

26.   luwam'puʔ buy a'nɨm

7. pi'tuʔ

27.   luwam'puʔ buy pi'tuʔ

8. wa'luʔ

28.   luwam'puʔ buy wa'luʔ

9. si'yam

29.   luwam'puʔ buy si'yam

10. ma'puʔ

30.   tatlum'puʔ 

11. labinɡi'saʔ

40.   apata'puʔ

12. labinlu'wuʔ

50.   limam'puʔ

13. labintat'luʔ

60.   anɨma'puʔ

14. labinʔa'pat

70.   pitum'puʔ

15. labinli'maʔ

80.   walum'puʔ

16. labin?a'nɨm

90.   siyama'puʔ

17. labinpi'tuʔ

100.  ɡisay ɡa'tus

18. labinwa'luʔ'

200.  luway 'ɡa'tus 

19. labinsi'yam 

1000. ɡisay li'buʔ

20. luwam'puʔ

2000. luway li'buʔ


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Roger Stone, SIL International, Philippines,

Native informant: Mrs. Evelyn Serrano, April 1, 2006, February 6, 2015.

供资料的语言学家: Mr. Roger Stone, 2006 年 4 月 1.


Other comments: Mag-Indi has a decimal system. Mag-Indi Ayta is a Sambalic language with around 5,000 speakers. It is spoken within Philippine Aeta communities in San Marcelino, Zambales, and in the Pampango municipalities of Floridablanca.


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