Language name and locationː Atauran, Atauro island, East Timor [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区阿陶兰语 (阿达贝语Adabe), 东帝汶岛东北部隔海阿陶洛岛


1. iha

21.  heleɾua-ɾehe-iha

2. paɾua

22.  heleɾua-ɾehe-iɾua

3. pateilu

23.  heleɾua-ɾehe-itelu

4. waː

24.  heleɾua-ɾehe-ihaːt

5. palima

25.  heleɾua-ɾehe-ilima

6. paneː

26.  heleɾua-ɾehe-ineːn

7. pa'itu

27.  heleɾua-ɾehe-ihitu

8. pa'u

28.  heleɾua-ɾehe-ihao

9. pa'sia

29.  heleɾua-ɾehe-isia

10. sanulu

30.  heleteilu

11. sanulu-ɾehe-iha

40.  helew

12. sanulu-ɾehe-paɾua

50.  helelima

13. sanulu-ɾehe-pateilu

60.  heleneː

14. sanulu-ɾehe-waː

70.  helehitu

15. sanulu-ɾehe-palima

80.  helepa'u  

16. sanulu-ɾehe-paneː

90.  helesia

17. sanulu-ɾehe-pa'itu

100. atu hea

18. sanulu-ɾehe-pa'u

200. atu paɾua

19. sanulu-ɾehe-pa'sia

1000. ɾihu hea

20. heleɾua

2000. ɾihu paɾua


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Geoffrey Hull, National Institute of Linguistics

(Insitituto Nacional de Linguistica), East Timor. June 17, 1996.

供资料的语言学家: Dr. Geoffrey Hull, 1996 年 6 月 17 日.


Other comments: Atauran or Adabe has a decimal system but Dr. Geoffrey Hull said it is not a dialect of Galolen but a distinct language. Atauran is spoken by approximately

9,000 speakers in Atauro island, Dili district, Timor island north of capital, East Timor.


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