Language name and locationː Asháninka, Ucayali region, Peru [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区阿山宁卡语, 秘鲁 东部乌卡亚利大区部分地区的热带雨林


1. paro, aparo (derived from pinky finger), aparoni *

2. pite, apito (derived from ring finger), apite *

3. maba, maava (derived from middle finger), maba *

4. itsa-pite (from 2 x 2),  otsipatita *
5. paro ako (lit: one hand), apapakoroni *(lit: 'a hand full')


Linguist providing data and dateː Ms. Anna Luisa Daigneault, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, University of Montréal, Canada and Ms Nila Vigil. February 13, 2011.

提供资的语言家: Ms. Anna Luisa Daigneault and Ms Nila Vigil, 2011 年 2 月 13 日.


Other comments: Asháninka has a basic 'one-two-three... many' counting system. Neologisms for numbers greater than five (1. aparoni, 2. apiti, 3.maba, 4.otsi, 5.koni, 6.tson, 7.soti, 8.iko, 9. tin, 10.tsa) have no real basis and therefore Guido Pilares and I strongly criticized that. On the above table, the second list is from dialect of Ashininka del Tambo.

Language name and locationː Asháninka, Ucayali region, Peru [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区阿山宁卡语, 秘鲁东部乌卡亚利大区部分地区的热带雨林


1. aparo    

2. apite

3. mava

4. otsipasati
5. apapacoroni (lit: 'a hand full')
oshequi (lit: 'many')    


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Robert A. Croese, Summer Institute of linguistics, Peru, December 22, 1990, January 24, 2014.

提供资的语言: Mr. Robert A. Croese, 1990 年 12 月 22 日, 2014 年 1 月 24 日.


Other comments: Asháninka or Asháninca is spoken by approximately 35,000 in Apurimac, Ayacucho, Cusco, Junin, and Ucayali regions: Apurimac, Ene, Perene, and Tambo rivers and tributaries, Peru. Asháninka has a basic 'one-two-three... many' counting system and, therefore, did not concern themselves very much with counting things (not even being able to give an accurate numbers of offspring). Nowadays, they have learned and adopted the Spanish counting system (not mixed with their own vernacular numbers), which they have learned through the bilingual school system. Note that the words for 'four' and 'five' were not universally, or always accurately employed. But the fist three were fairly solid.

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