Language name and locationː Arawak, Surinam, Guyana, Venezuela [Ref. Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区阿拉瓦克语, 苏里南北部帕拉区和苏里南河右岸科默韦讷区, 圭亚那, 法属圭亚那及委内瑞拉境内 


1. aba  / aba/

21.  aba loko diako abaro

2. bian /bian/


3. kabyn / kabɨn/


4. bithi  / bitʰi/

24.  aba loko diako bithi

5. (a)badakhabo / (a)badakʰabo/

25.  aba loko diako abadakhabo

6. (a)bathian  / (a)batʰian/


7. bianthian   /biantʰian/


8. kabythian /kabɨtʰian/


9. bithithian /bitʰitʰian/

29.  aba loko diako biththian

10. biandakhabo /biandakʰabo/

30.  aba loko diako biandakhabo

11. biandakhabo diako abaro

40.  bian loko


50.  bian loko diako biandakhabo



14. biandakhabo diako bithi


15. biandakhabo diako badakhabo



90.  bithi loko diako biandakhabo


100.  (a)badakhabo loko



19. biandakhabo diako bithithian


20. aba loko /aba loko/ (lit: 'one man')



Linguist providing data and dateː Data taken from Dr. Willem J.A. Pet, A Grammar Sketch and Lexicon of Arawaka (Lokono Dian), 2011, SIL International.

with the help of Mr. David Captain. SIL International. December 8, 2012



Other comments: Arawak or Lokono Dian, Arahuaco is spoken by approximately 2,500 speakers in Commewijne and Para districts: villages from coast to 30 km inland, mainly on the savanna, Suriname as well as French Guiana, Guyana and Venezuela. The traditional Arawak counting systems in Suriname used a combination of base-five, base-ten, and base-twenty numbers. The numbers one through four, aba, bian, bakyn, and bithi, are primitives. 'Five' (a)badakhobo is a combination of aba 'one', and da-khabo 'my hand'. 'Six' through 'nine' are built using

the first four numbers plus thian (no known meaning). 'Ten' is bian-da-khabo 'two-my-hand'. 'Twenty' is aba loko 'one man'. All other numbers are composed of combinations of these terms. Although this counting system exists, it is used mostly for the numbers one through nineteen, at least in Suriname; the Dutch numbers are rapidly replacing the Arawak numbers for counting beyond nineteen.

Note /ř̩/ is a retroflexed apical flap (tip of the tongue slightly curled back and flipped
forward with a brief contact of the alveolar ridge) and contrasts with /r̃/, an apical tap
or trill.

Noteː Orthographic symbols corresponding to phonemes are in single quotation marks.
Americanist phonetic symbols are used.

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