Language name and locationː Chadian Arabic, Chad, Cameroun  [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区乍得阿拉伯语, 乍得, 喀麦隆, 尼日尔, 尼日利亚


1. 'waːħid

21.  'waːħid wa iʃ'ɾiːn

2. it'neːn  

22.  it'neːn wa iʃ'ɾiːn 

3. ta'laːta

23.  ta'laːta wa iʃ'ɾiːn

4. 'ʔaɾbaʕa

24.  'ʔaɾbaʕa wa iʃ'ɾiːn 

5. 'xamsa

25.  'xamsa wa iʃ'ɾiːn 

6. 'sitːe

26.  'sitːe wa iʃ'ɾiːn

7. 'sabaʕ

27.  'sabaʕ wa iʃ'ɾiːn 

8. ta'mane 

28.  ta'mane wa iʃ'ɾiːn 

9. 'tisʕa

29.  'tisʕa wa iʃ'ɾiːn

10. 'ʕaʃaɾa 

30.  talaː'tiːn

11. iħ'daʃaɾ or ħi'daʃaɾ

40.  ʔaɾba'ʕiːn

12. ʔat'naʃaɾ

50.  xam'siːn

13. tala'taʃaɾ

60.  si'tːiːn

14. ʔaɾba'taʃaɾ

70.  saba'ʕiːn

15. xamas'taʃaɾ

80.  tama'niːn

16. si'tːaʃaɾ

90.  tis'ʕiːn

17. sabʕa'taʃaɾ

100. 'mija

18. taman'taʃaɾ

200. mi'teːn   

19. tisaʕa'taʃaɾ

1000. 'ʔalif

20. ʔiʃ'ɾiːn

2000. ʔal'feːn


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Robin Holmes, Chadian Arabic Project Coordinator, SIL-Chad, Chad, May 22, 2013.

供资料的语言学家: Mr. Robin Holmes, 2013 年 5 月 22 日.


Other comments: Chadian Arabian has a decimal system. Chadian Arabian numerals are similar to that of Sudanese Arabic. Chadian Arabic (also known as Shuwa / Western Sudanic Arabic) is one of the regional colloquial varieties of Arabic and is the first language of some 1.6 million people, in southern Chad in the vicinity of Lake Chad in the countries of Cameroon, Nigeria, Niger. Finally, it is spoken in slivers of the Central African Republic and South Sudan. In addition, this language serves as a lingua franca in much of the region.