Language name and locationː Bigong Gelao, Guizhou, China [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区: 比贡仡佬语 (阿欧方言 A'ou), 贵州省中西部安顺市和六枝交界的比贡村


1. sɿ55 təɯ33

21.  səɯ31 hui13 sɿ55

2. səɯ31 təɯ33

22.  səɯ31 hui13 səɯ31

3. tɔ31

23.  səɯ31 hui13 31

4. pɔ31

24.  səɯ31 hui13 31

5. mɔ31

25.  səɯ31 hui13 31

6. nai31

26.  səɯ31 hui13 nai31

7. tʰɔ31

27.  səɯ31 hui13 tʰɔ31

8. ʑɔ31

28.  səɯ31 hui13 ʑɔ31

9.  ʑɔu31

29.  səɯ31 hui13 ʑɔu31

10. hui13

30.  tɔ31 hui13  

11. se55 se55

40.  pɔ31 hui13  

12. se55 səɯ31

50.  31 hui13  

13. se5531

60.  nai31 hui13  

14. se5531

70.  tʰɔ31 hui13  

15. se5531

80.  ʑɔ31 hui13  

16. se55 nai31

90.  ʑɔu31 hui13  

17. se55 tʰɔ31

100. ʔa55 ɣen31  /sɿ55 ɣen31

18. se55 ʑɔ31

200. səɯ31 ɣen31

19. se55 ʑɔu31

1000. ʔa55 ɣe31  /sɿ55 ɣe31

20. səɯ31 hui13  

2000. səɯ31ɣe31


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Li Jinfang, Minzu University of China, Beijing, China, July 17, 2006
供资料的语言学家: 李锦芳教授(中央民族大), 2006 年 7 月 17 日.


Other comments: Bigong Gelao language is only spoken by about 10 families in Bigong and Maocao villages at the intersection between Anshun City and Liuzhi  Special Zone. This language is also called ' Zhou Lei'. There are only a few old people can speak this language now. Bigong Gelao, the number one has two forms, sɿ55 and se55,  se55 is only used in number 11, the Gelao numerals are generally used with a classifier. Bigong Gelao language belong to A'ou group and is not mutually intelligible with other Gelao languages.  

Language name and locationː Pudi Gelao, Guizhou, China [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区: 普底仡佬语 (阿欧方言 A'ou), 贵州省西北部大方县普底乡


1. sɪ55

21.  səɯ42 ɕye1355

2. səɯ42

22.  səɯ42 ɕye13 səɯ42

3. tji42

23.  səɯ42 ɕye13 tji42

4. pau42

24.  səɯ42 ɕye13 pau42

5. mau31

25.  səɯ42 ɕye13 mau31

6. mjaŋ31

26.  səɯ42 ɕye13 mjaŋ31

7. te42

27.  səɯ42 ɕye13 te42

8. ɣe31

28.  səɯ42 ɕye13 ɣe31

9.  sau13

29.  səɯ42 ɕye13 sau13

10. ɕye13

30.  tji42 ɕye13

11. sɪ55 ma42 ɕe13

40.  pau42 ɕye13   

12. səɯ42 ma42 ɕe13

50.  mau31 ɕye13  

13. tji42  ma42 ɕe13

60.  mjaŋ31 ɕye13

14. pau42 ma42 ɕe13

70.  te42 ɕye13

15. mau31 ma42 ɕe13

80.  ɣe31 ɕye13

16. mjaŋ31 ma42 ɕe13

90.  sau13 ɕye13   

17. te42 ma42 ɕe13

100. sɪ55 hai42 

18. ɣe31 ma42 ɕe13

200. səɯ42 hai42 

19. sau13 ma42 ɕe13

1000. sɪ55 ŋən31 

20. səɯ42 ɕye13   

2000. səɯ42 ŋən31


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Li Jinfang, Minzu University of China, Beijing, China, July 17, 2006
供资料的语言学家: 李锦芳教授(中央民族大), 2006 年 7 月 17 日.


Other comments: Pudi Gelao has a decimal system. Pudi Gelao language belong to A'ou group and is not mutually intelligible with other Gelao languages. There might be still 1,500 Pudi Gelao speakers living in Pudi Township, Dafang County in Guizhou Province.  


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