Language name and locationː Andio, Sulawesi, Indonesia [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区安迪奥语, 印度尼西亚苏拉威西岛中部巴兰塔克半岛


1. saʔa

21.  uampuluʔ bo sambaʔan

2. orua

22.  uampuluʔ bo orua

3. toluʔ

23.  uampuluʔ bo toluʔ

4. pa:t

24.  uampuluʔ bo pa:t

5. limaʔ

25.  uampuluʔ bo limaʔ

6. no:m

26.  uampuluʔ bo no:m

7. pitu

27.  uampuluʔ bo pitu

8. waluʔ 

28.  uampuluʔ bo waluʔ

9. sioʔ

29.  uampuluʔ bo sioʔ

10. sompuluʔ

30.  tolu no puluʔ

11. sompuluʔ bo sambaʔan

40.  opatopuluʔ

12. sompuluʔ bo orua

50.  lima no puluʔ

13. sompuluʔ bo toluʔ

60.  onomopuluʔ

14. sompuluʔ bo pa:t

70.  pitu no puluʔ

15. sompuluʔ bo limaʔ

80.  walo no puluʔ

16. sompuluʔ bo no:m

90.  sio no puluʔ

17. sompuluʔ bo pituʔ

100. moɡatut

18. sompuluʔ bo waluʔ


19. sompuluʔ bo sioʔ

1000. saribu

20. uampuluʔ



Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Nilolaus P. Himmelmann, University of Cologne, Germany, December 19, 1990.

Information about the orthography used for the Tomini-Tolitoli languages and IPA standard is from Himmelmann 2001. Sourcebook on Tomini-Tolitoli Languages.

提供资的语言: Dr. Nilolaus P. Himmelmann, 1990 年 12 月 19 日.


Other comments: Andio or Andio’o, Imbao’o, Masama is spoken by approximately 335 speakers in Central Sulawesi province: Lamala sub-district, Tangeban and Tauge villages, peninsula east tip area. Andio has a decimal numeral system. Note that the orthographic <w> is used to represents an approximant (semi-vowel) or where it is a bilabial fricative, maybe be it is the same case in the nearby Balantak language and that the other orthography used for the Tomini-Tolitoli languages followed the Indonesian standard which in turn is very similar to the IPA standard. The following graphemic conventions may be confusing to those not familiar with the Indonesian systemː

<ng > = velar nasal IPA [ŋ], <ny> = palatal nasal IPA [ɲ], <y> = palatal glide IPA [j], j = palatal voiced stop = IPA [ɟ], <'> = glottal stop = IPA [ʔ].


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