Language name and location: Anal, Manipur state, India, Myanmar [Ref to Ethnologue]
1. əkʰè |
21. sumhnakhè |
2. əhnə̃̀ |
22. sumhnahnə̃̀ |
3. ətʰùm |
23. sumhnatʰùm |
4. pəli |
24. sumhnapəli |
5. pəŋŋã́ |
25. sumhnapəŋŋã́ |
6. turù |
26. sumhnaturù |
7. təkʰò |
27. sumhnatəkʰò |
8. tirí |
28. sumhnatirí |
9. tukú |
29. sumhnatukú |
10. sóm |
30. sùmtʰùm |
11. sóməkʰè |
40. sùmpəli |
12. sóməhnə̃̀ |
50. sùmpəŋŋã́ |
13. sómətʰùm |
60. sùmturù |
14. sómpəli |
70. sùmtəkʰò |
15. sómpəŋŋã́ |
80. sùmtirí |
16. sómturù |
90. sùmtukú |
17. sómtəkʰò |
100. camma or əyákʰè, 103. cammatʰum |
18. sómtirí |
200. cəni or ayanhnə |
19. sómtukú |
1000. lisiŋ kʰe / lakʰe |
20. sumhnə̃̀ |
2000. lisiŋ hnə̃̀ |
Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Surjit Angom, Department of Linguistics, Manipur University, Imphal, Manipur, India, August 22, 2018. 提供资料的语言学家: Dr. Surjit Angom, 2018 年 8 月 22 日. |
Other comments: Anal has a decimal system. There are two forms of higher multiplicative compound numerals in 'one hundred', 'two hundred' and 'three hundred' only but other numerals are not maintained. There are two words for thousand ː 'lisiŋ' and 'lakʰe'. Anal is spoken by approximately 28,000 speakers in Chandel district, Chakpikarong, Chandel, and Engnoupal sub-districts, on Chakpi river banks, Manipur state, India as well as Myanmar. |
Language name and location: Anal, Manipur state, India, Myanmar [Ref to Ethnologue]
1. əkhè |
21. sùm hnã̀ əkhè |
2. əhnã̀ |
22. sùm hnã̀ əhnã̀ |
3. əthùm |
23. sùm hnã̀ thùm |
4. əpəli |
24. sùm hnã̀ pəli |
5. pəŋã́ |
25. sùm hnã̀ pəŋã́ |
6. tərù |
26. sùm hnã̀ tərù |
7. təkhɔ̀ |
27. sùm hnã̀ təkhɔ̀ |
8. tərí |
28. sùm hnã̀ tərí |
9. təkú |
29. sùm hnã̀ təkú |
10. sóm |
30. sùm thùm |
11. sóm əkhè |
40. sùm pəli |
12. sóm əhnã̀ |
50. sùm pəŋã́ |
13. sóm thùm |
60. sùm tərù |
14. sóm pəli |
70. sùm təkhɔ̀ |
15. sóm pəŋã́ |
80. sùm tərí |
16. sóm tərù |
90. sùm təkú |
17. sóm təkhɔ̀ |
100. əzá klè |
18. sóm tərí |
19. sóm təkú |
20. sum hnã̀ |
Linguist providing data and dateː
Ram Sharma,
Deccan College Post-Graduate
and Research Institute, Pune, India,
January, 提供资料的语言学家: Prof. Suhnu Ram Sharma, 1993 年 1 月 7 日. |
Other comments: Anal has a decimal system. |
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