Language name and locationː Ambel, West Papua, Indonesia [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区安贝尔语 (韦格奥语 Waigeo), 印尼西巴布亚拉贾 -恩派特群岛


1. kitém

21. lafe low mai kitém

2. lów

22. lafe low mai lów

3. túl

23. lafe low mai túl

4. fát

24. lafe low mai fát

5. lím

25. lafe low mai lím

6. wanóm

26. lafe low mai wanóm

7. fít

27. lafe low mai fít

8. wál

28. lafe low mai wál

9. síw

29. lafe low mai síw

10. láfe 

30. lafe túl

11. lafe mai kitém

40. lafe fát

12. lafe mai lów

50. lafe lím

13. lafe mai túl

60. lafe wanóm

14. lafe mai fát

70. lafe fít

15. lafe mai lím

80. lafe wál

16. lafe mai wanóm

90. lafe síw

17. lafe mai fít

100. útun

18. lafe mai wál

200.  utun lów

19. lafe mai síw

1000. tyalan *

20. lafe lów

2000. tyalan lów, 1,000,000. teten  


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Laura Arnold, Department of Linguistics and English, University of Edinburgh, U.K., September 17, 2014, August 9, 2015
提供资的语言家: Dr. Laura Arnold, 2014 年 9 月 17 日, 2015 年 8 月 9 日.


Other comments: Ambel (Waigeo) has a decimal system. For 1000 the Indonesian term /juta/ is much more commonly used).
Ambel is an endangered language spoken by approximately 1,600 people on the island of Waigeo in the Raja Ampat archipelago near the northwestern tip of West Papua, Indonesia. The Ambel population is shifting to Papuan Malay and few people born after the year 2000 have any knowledge of the language.
Note that Ambel is tonal. I am analysing the system as being an underlying two-way contrast, /H/ vs syllables unspecified for tone. I have marked syllables which bear
/H/ with an accent.  


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