Language name and location: Adi-Bokar, China, India [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区博嘎尔珞巴语 (阿迪-博卡尔语), 中国, 印度


1. ɑken

21.  tʃɑmɲi-lɑ-ɑken

2. ɑɲi

22.  tʃɑmɲi-lɑ-ɑɲi

3. ɑum

23.  tʃɑmɲi-lɑ-ɑum 

4. ɑppi

24.  tʃɑmɲi-lɑ-ɑppi

5. ɑŋŋo

25.  tʃɑmɲi-lɑ-ɑŋŋo 

6. ɑkkɨ

26.  tʃɑmɲi-lɑ-ɑkkə

7. kɨnə

27.  tʃɑmɲi-lɑ-ɑkəni

8. piɲi

28.  tʃɑmɲi-lɑ-ɑpiɲi

9. kõnoŋ

29.  tʃɑmɲi-lɑ-ɑkonɑ

10. ijiŋ

30.  tʃɑmum 

11. ijiŋ-lɑ-ɑken

40.  tʃɑmpi

12. ijiŋ-lɑ-ɑɲi

50.  tʃɑmŋo

13. ijiŋ-lɑ-ɑum

60.  tʃɑmkɯ

14. ijiŋ-lɑ-ɑppi

70.  ɑsɑm kəni

15. ijiŋ-lɑ-ɑŋŋo

80.  ɑsɑm piɲi

16. ijiŋ-lɑ-ɑkkə

90.  ɑsɑm konɑ

17. ijiŋ-lɑ-ɑkəni

100. liŋ, 150. liŋ ɡolɑ tʃɑmŋo, 200. liŋɲi

18. ijiŋ-lɑ-ɑpiɲi

1,000. hedʒɑr, 1,060. dʒɑr ɡolɑ tʃɑmkɨ

19. ijiŋ-lɑ-ɑkonɑ

2,000. hedʒɑr ɑɲi

20. tʃɑmɲi

5,000. hedʒɑrŋo, 10,000. hedʒɑrjiŋ


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Geyi Tutu, Deccan College Post-Graduate and Research Institute, Pune, India, July 24, 2018.

供资料的语言学家: Dr. Geyi Tutu, 2018 年 7 月 24 日.


Other comments: Adi-Bokar has a decimal system, the above data is taken from Bokar tribe in Indian side.

1. The numbers from eleven to nineteen are formed by the combination of more

    than one morpheme. iji+golaŋ or la+basic numeral form.

2. The numbers from 21-29, 31-39, 41-49, 51-59, 61-69, are formed according to

   the following formula Decade + basic numerals from one to nine.

    An example Bokar numbers from twenty to hundred/ʤar/ for thousand is

    borrowed from Assamese.

3. The number /liŋ/ “hundred” /ʤar/ “thousand” are composed of monomorpheme

    and cannot be analyzed into further component.

    Bokar numbers are combined for higher numbers the connective ‘gola’ ‘and’ is used

    to conjoin the numbers when they get longer, even they used basic numerals

    like aken ‘one’ aɲi ‘two’ aum ‘three’ To make longer Combination of Bokar numbers.

Language name and location: Adi-Bogaer, China, India [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区博嘎尔珞巴语, 中国, 印度


1. ako, aken

21.  kɛː laken

2. aȵi

22.  kɛː laȵi

3. aɦum

23.  kɛː laɦum

4. apiː

24.  kɛː lapiː

5. oŋo

25.  kɛː laŋo

6. akɯ

26.  kɛː lakɯ

7. kɯnɯ

27.  kɛː lanɯ

8. piːȵi

28.  kɛː la piːȵi

9. konoŋ

29.  kɛː lanoŋ

10. ɯjɯŋ

30.  ɦumjɯŋ / ɯjɯŋɦum

11. ɯjɯŋ laken

40.  piːjɯŋ / ɯjɯŋpiː

12. ɯjɯŋ laȵi

50.  ŋojɯŋ

13. ɯjɯŋ laɦum

60.  kɯjɯŋ

14. ɯjɯŋ lapiː

70.  nɯjɯŋ

15. ɯjɯŋ laŋo

80.  piȵi ɯjɯŋ

16. ɯjɯŋ lakɯ

90.  noŋɯjɯŋ

17. ɯjɯŋ kɯnɯ

100. lɯŋ

18. ɯjɯŋ piːȵi

200. lɯŋȵi

19. ɯjɯŋ konoŋ

1000. lɯŋjɯŋ (100 x 10) / toŋra < Tibetan

20. kɛː



Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Sun Hongkai, Centre of Minority Languages, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, October 3, 1999.

供资料的语言学家: 孙宏开教授 (中国社科院民族研究所), 1999 年 10 月 3 日.


Other comments: Adi-Bogaer has a decimal system.


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