Language name and locationː Aché, Alto Paraná, Paraguay [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区阿赫语 (瓜亚基 Guayakí), 巴拉圭东部上巴拉那省和西南部巴拉瓜里省 


1. etakrã

21.  mirõtapa etakrã

2. mirõ (litː 'mixed up')

22.  mirõtapa mirõ

3. brewipɨtʃã (lit: tapir foot') 

23.  mirõtapa brewipɨtʃã

4. tʃeŋɨpɨctʃã /ɡwɨrapɨtʃã (litː bird foot)

24.  mirõtapa tʃeŋɨpɨctʃã

5. ipo (litː 'human hand')

25.  mirõtapa ipo

6. watʃapa *

26.  mirõtapa watʃapa

7. djɨpetã *

27.  mirõtapa djɨpetã

8. tʃãtapa *

28.  mirõtapa tʃãtapa

9. tõwatʃu   

29.  mirõtapa tõwatʃu

10. etakrã tapa

30.  brewipɨtʃãtapa

11. etakrã etakrã

40.  tʃeŋɨpɨctʃãtapa

12. etakrã mirõ

50.  ipotapa

13. etakrã brewipɨtʃã

60.  watʃapatapa

14. etakrã tʃeŋɨpɨctʃã

70.  djɨpetãtapa

15. etakrã ipo

80.  tʃãtapatapa

16. etakrã watʃapa

90.  tõwatʃutapa

17. etakrã djɨpetã

91tõwatʃutapa etakra

18. etakrã tʃãtapa

99.  tõwatʃutapa tõwatʃu

19. etakrã tõwatʃu


20. mirõtapa



Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Eva Maria Roessler, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem / Institute of Linguistics at the Universidad Estadual de Campinas, Brazil, February 3, 2013.

供资料的语言学家: Dr. Eva Maria Roessler, 2013 年 2 月 3 日


Other comments: Aché, or Aché-Guayaki is spoken by approximately 900 speakers out of 1,240 ethnic population in Alto Paraná department and Paraguarí departments, Paraguay. I just receive from my informant, the words that differ from the list you already had, were probably created in another village. It does not exactly correspond to any dialectical variation, as these numbers are created very recently, most likely in the last 20 years. Today people from various dialect groups live together in one village, therefore I would not link distinct words to a specific dialect. Note, that there was no basic number system in Aché, originally! All these words have been created for educational purposes. Originally in Aché there were words like etakrã (alone, single) and tãrã (a lot), edji (together, in groups), wywy (all). You can see that some of the words are created based on physical characteristics of either humans or animals.
0=illã (COP-NEG, there is not, nothing) o tapa  (tapa = "hold/ warming a newborn child (in the moment of its birth)")
1=etakrã (single, one, alone), 2=mirõ (mixed up), 3=brewipychã (tapir foot),
4=chengypychã / gwyra pychã (bird foot), 5=ipo (human hand),
6=wachapa (the only meaning I can find for wacha-pa is "to cross-COMPLETIVE")
7=djypetã (means besides 7 also monkey tail or is a type of axe)
8=chãtapa (besides meaning number 8, it refers to the structure seen inside the human eye)
9=tõwachu (literally: big head, also refers to a type of eagle), 10=etakrã tapa,

11=etakrã etakrã, 12=etakrã mirõ, 13=etakrã brewipychã,
14=etakrã chengypychã, 15=etakrã ipo, 16=etakrã wachapa, 17=etakrã djypetã,
18=etakrã chãtapa, 19=etakrã tõwachu, 20=mirõtapa, 30=brewipychãtapa,
40=chengypychãtapa, 50=ipotapa, 60=wachapatapa, 70=djypetãtapa,
80=chãtapatapa, 90=tõwachutapa

further system of forming larger numbers:

20=mirõtapa, 21=mirõtapa etakrã, 22=mirõtapa mirõ, 23=mirõtapa brewipychã,
24=mirõtapa chengypychã, 25=mirõtapa ipo, 26=mirõtapa wachapa,
27=mirõtapa djypetã, 28=mirõtapa chãtapa , 29=mirõtapa tõwachu,
30=brewipychãtapa, 90=tõwachutapa, 91=tõwachutapa etakrã,

92=tõwachutapa mirõ, 93=tõwachutapa brewipychã, 94=tõwachutapa chengypychã,
95=tõwachutapa ipo, 96=tõwachutapa wachapa, 97=tõwachutapa djypetã,
98=tõwachutapa chãtapa, 99=tõwachutapa tõwachu .

Notes: y = ɨ,  ch = tʃ

Language name and locationː Aché, Alto Paraná, Paraguay [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区阿赫语 (瓜亚基 Guayakí), 巴拉圭东部上巴拉那省和西南部巴拉瓜里省 


1. etakrã

2. mirõ (litː 'mixed up')

3. brevipɨʃã

4. ɡwɨrapɨʃã

5. ipo

6. bua'tapa

7. jɨ'peta

8. ʃa'tãpa

9. tõ'vaʃu

10. etakrã 'tapa


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Wolf Dietrich, University of Munich, Germany, September 3, 1990.

供资料的语言学家: Prof. Wolf Dietrich, 1990 年 9 月 3 日.


Other comments: Aché, or Aché-Guayaki is spoken by approximately 900 speakers out of 1,240 ethnic population in Alto Paraná department and Paraguarí departments, Paraguay. The Aché (Guayakí) people seem have not concept of numerals.

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