Language name and locationː Zuni, New Mexico State, USA [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区祖尼语, 美国新墨西哥州 西部麦金莱县祖尼人居留地


1. topinte

21.  kʷilikˀjan astemɬan topa jaɬtoˀ

2. kʷili

22.  kʷilikˀjan astemɬan kʷili jaɬtoˀ

3. haˀi

23.  kʷilikˀjan astemɬan haˀi jaɬtoˀ

4. aːwite

24.  kʷilikˀjan astemɬan aːwite jaɬtoˀ

5. apte

25.  kʷilikˀjan astemɬan apte jaɬtoˀ

6. topalekːˀja

26.  kʷilikˀjan astemɬan topalekːˀja jaɬtoˀ

7. kʷilelekːˀja

27.  kʷilikˀjan astemɬan kʷilelekːˀja jaɬtoˀ

8. haˀelekːˀja

28.  kʷilikˀjan astemɬan haˀelekːˀja jaɬtoˀ

9. tenalekːˀja

29.  kʷilikˀjan astemɬan tenalekːˀja jaɬtoˀ

10. astemɬa

30.  haˀikˀjan astemɬa

11. astemɬan topa jaɬtoˀ

40.  aːwitenakˀjan astemɬa

12. astemɬan kʷili jaɬtoˀ

50.  aptenakˀjan astemɬa

13. astemɬan haˀi jaɬtoˀ

60.  topalekːˀjaˀm astemɬa

14. astemɬan aːwite jaɬtoˀ

70.  kʷilelekːˀjaˀm astemɬa

15. astemɬan apte jaɬtoˀ

80.  haˀelekːˀjaˀm astemɬa

16. astemɬan topalekːˀja jaɬtoˀ

90.  tenalekːˀjaˀm astemɬa

17. astemɬan kʷilelekːˀja jaɬtoˀ

100. (tapnimte) asi astemɬa   ( 10 x 10 )

18. astemɬan haˀelekːˀja jaɬtoˀ

200.  kʷilikˀjan asi astemɬa

19. astemɬan tenalekːˀja jaɬtoˀ

1000. tapnimte miːɬ  ( 'miːɬ'< Spanish )

20. kʷilikˀjan astemɬa

2000. kʷili miːɬ


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Bill Murray, Wycliffe Bible Translator, USA, January 30, 1991. Mrs. Carolyn Murray, Wycliffe Bible Translator, USA, October 3, 2008.

提供资的语言: Mr. Bill Murray, 1991 年 1 月 30 日, Mrs. Carolyn Murray, 2008 年 10 月 3 日.


Other comments: Zuni or Shiwi’ma, Zuñi is spoken by approximately 9,600 speakers in New Mexico: south McKinley County Reservation, south of Gallup. The Zuni numerical system is base ten. After the number ten comes ''ten and one on top of it,'' etc.''  The word  for ten is a compound which means ''all the fingers''. The number twenty is ''twice ten,'' etc. The numbers 100 is ''ten tens'', or ''once ten tens''. 200 is ''twice ten tens'', etc. Thousand is a loanword from Spanish. Notes on traditional spellings and IPA transcriptionsː

b in the Zuni alphabet=[p] phonetically, d in the Zuni alphabet=IPA [t], '=glottal [ʔ], k'=glottalized [kˀ], ts'=glottalized [tsˀ] , ch'= glottalized IPA[tʃˀ]. Two of the same consonants together=a lengthened consonant [cː], a vowel followed by a colon=a lengthened vowel [vː], y =IPA [j].

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