Language name and location: Zinza, Mwanza Region, Tanzania [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区津扎语, 坦桑尼亚西北部维多利亚湖南岸姆万扎区和附近地区


1. eémo

21. makumi abili ne eémo

2. ibili

22. makumi abili ne ebili

3. isatu

23. makumi abili ne esatu

4. iína

24. makumi abili ne eéna

5. itáanu

25. makumi abili ne etáanu

6. mukáaga

26. makumi abili na mukáaga

7. musáanzu

27. makumi abili na musáanzu

8. munáana

28. makumi abili na munáana

9.  mwéenda

29. makumi abili na mwéenda

10. ikumi

30. makumi asatu

11. ikumi ne eémo

40. makumi aána

12. ikumi ne ebili

50. makumi atáanu

13. ikumi ne satu

60. makumi mukáaga

14. ikumi ne eéna

70. makumi musáanzu

15. ikumi ne táanu

80. makumi munáana

16. ikumi na mukáaga

90. makumi mwéenda

17. ikumi na musáanzu

100. igana limo

18. ikumi na munáana

200. magana abili, 400. magana aána

19. ikumi na mwéenda

1000. echihuumbi chimo,  ch =

20. makumi abili

2000. ebihuumbi bibili


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Barthazar Juvenari Kabika, Zinza Bible Translator, Tanzania, April 11, 2019.

供资料的语言学家: Mr. Barthazar Juvenari Kabika, 2019 年 4 月 11 日.


Other comments: Zinza has a numeral system similar to that of Nyambo. Zinza language is spoken by approximately 205,000 speakers located in Tanzania, East Africa along south of Lake Victoria, Sengerema District in Mwanza Region, Tanzania.

A note about the Zinza Orthography
The following language data is written in orthographic form. Occasional reference to phonetic and underlying  forms are made when helpful. There are five vowels and eighteen consonants in Zinza. Graphemes (letters) are shown below, along with the phonemes (sounds) which they represent.
Vowels:  Graphemes / Phonemesː  i / <i>, e /<ɛ>, a / <ɑ>,  o / <ɔ>, u / <u >
Consonants: b / <β>, ch / <tʃ>, ny / <ɲ>, sh / <ʃ>

The letter <d> occurs most often root initially, or prenasalized root medially, but there is one instance of <d> occuring root medially in a seemingly unborrowed word.
The velar nasal [ŋ] does not occur in Zinza. <sh> occurs infrequently, but it does appear word initially and medially in seemingly unborrowed words. The letter <r> does not exist  phonemically, but it is written in some proper names by tradition. 


Surface tone is written using the acute accent mark. Vowels can be marked for either high, rising, or falling tone.2 Low tones are not marked. Graphemes for each type of tone are shown below using a as the example vowel. Note that underlying tones of affixes are not marked throughout this document, since the relevant level of tone marking for orthography purposes is word-level surface tone. á [ɑ́], aá [ɑ̌ː], áa [ɑ̂ː]


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