Language name and locationː Isthmus Zapotec, Oaxaca, Mexico [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区地狭-萨波特克语, 墨西哥西南部瓦哈卡地区 


1. tobi

21.  21 to 29 (Spanish loan)

2. t͡ʃupa


3. t͡ʃonna


4. tapa


5. ɡaˀajuˀ


6. ʃoˀopˀ


7. ɡaʒe


8. ʃono


9.  ɡaˀ


10. t͡ʃiˀi

30. ɡande t͡ʃiˀi (20+10)

11. 11 to 19 (Spanish loan)

40. t͡ʃupa late ɡande (2 x 20)


50. t͡ʃupa late ɡande t͡ʃiˀi [(2 x 20)+10]


60. t͡ʃonna late ɡande (3 x 20)


70. t͡ʃonna late ɡande t͡ʃiˀi [(3 x 20)+10]


80. tapa late ɡande (4 x 20)


90. tapa late ɡande t͡ʃiˀi [(4 x 20)+10]


100. ti ɡaˀajuˀ (20 x 5) ?


200.  t͡ʃupa ɡaˀajuˀ (2 x 20 x 5) ?


1000. (Spanish loan)

20. ɡande (base number)

2000. (Spanish loan)  


Linguists providing data and dateː Dr. Velma Pickett (recorded in 2004) through

Dr. Cheryl Black and Mr. Ricky Kroeger, SIL-International, March 5, 2021.
提供资的语言家: Dr. Velma Pickett, 2021 年 3 月 5 日


Other comments: Isthmus Zapotec has a 20-based system. They only use the numbers 1 through 10, 20 and 100.  The rest are loan words from Spanish. Isthmus Zapotec (autoglossonym: [dìʤàˈzàˑ]) is the common name used for a variety of Zapotec (Otomanguean family) spoken on the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, Mexico. It is now officially listed by the Instituto Nacional de Lenguas Indígenas (INALI 2008) as ‘zapoteco de la planicie costera’ (‘coastal plain Zapotec).

Language name and location: Isthmus Zapotec, Oaxaca, Mexico [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区: 地峽-萨波特克语 (朱契坦-萨波特克语Juchitán Zapotec)墨西哥墨西哥西南部瓦哈卡朱契坦区和特万特佩克地峡


1. tobi

21.  lateɡandebitobi

2. tʃupːǎ

22.  lateɡandebitʃupːǎ 

3. tʃonːǎ

23.  lateɡandebitʃonːǎ

4. tapːa

24.  lateɡandebitapːa

5. ɡaˀayuʔ

25.  lateɡandebiɡaˀayuʔ

6. ʃoˀopːaʔ

26.  lateɡandebiʃoˀopːaʔ

7. ɡadʒě

27.  lateɡandebiɡadʒě

8. ʃonːǒ

28.  lateɡandebiʃonːǒ

9. ɡaʔ

29.  lateɡandebiɡaʔ

10. tʃiˀi

30.  lateɡandebitʃiˀi

11. tʃiˀbitobi

40.  tʃupaláteɡandě  ( 2 x 20 )

12. tʃiˀbitʃupːǎ

50.  tʃupaláteɡandenétʃiˀi

13. tʃiˀbitʃonːǎ

60.  tʃonaláteɡandě  ( 3 x 20 )

14. tʃiˀbitapːa  

70.  tʃonaláteɡandenétʃiˀi 

15. tʃiˀbiɡaˀayuʔ

80.  tapaláteɡandě  ( 4 x 20 )

16. tʃiˀbiʃoˀopːaʔ 

90.  tapaláteɡandenétʃiˀi 

17. tʃiˀbiɡadʒě

100. tiɡaywaˀa

18. tʃiˀbiʃonːǒ

200. tʃupaɡáywaˀa

19. tʃiˀbiɡaʔ


20. ɡandě



Linguists providing data and dateː Dr. Gabriela Pérez Báez, Curator of Linguistics
Department of Anthropology, MRC 112, National Museum of Natural History
Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, USA /
Pre-doctoral Smithsonian Fellow and University of Chicago student Juan José Bueno Holle, USA. April 2, 2014.

提供资的语言: Dr. Gabriela Pérez Báez, 2014 年 4 月 2 日


Other comments: Isthmus Zapotec (Diidxazá) or Juchitán Zapotec, Zapoteco Istmeño is spoken by approximately 85,000 speakers in Juchitán and Tehuantepec, Oaxaca state, Mexico. Juchitán Zapotec or Isthmus Zapotec has a vigesimal system.

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