Language name and location: Yimas, Papua New Guinea [Refer to Ethnologue ]
言名称和分布地区伊马斯语, 巴布亚新几内亚东锡皮克省


1. mpa-m

2. p-rpal

3. p-ramnawt

4. ma-mpl ama-mpl  (2+2)

5. tam

6. tam mawŋkwat mpa-m  (5+1), mawŋkwat means ''other side plus one'')

7. tam mawŋkwat p-rpat   (5+2)

8. tam mawŋkwat p-ramnawt  (5+3)

9. tam mawŋkwat ma-mpl ama-mpl (5+4)

10. nuŋkara-wl  (litː ''two hands'')

11. nuŋkarawl arm-tap-mpi pamk-n mpa-m

     ( arm-tap-mpi means ''jump down'', pamk means ''leg'')

12. nuŋkarawl arm-tap-mpi pamk-n p-rpal

13. nuŋkarawl arm-tap-mpi pamk-n p-ramnawt 

14. nuŋkarawl arm-tap-mpi pamk-n ma-mplamampl

15. nuŋkarawl arm-tap-mpi pamk-n mpa-m  

16. nuŋkarawl armtapmpi pamkn tam mawŋkwat mpam   

17. nuŋkarawl armtapmpi pamkn tam mawŋkwat p-rpal

18. nuŋkarawl armtapmpi pamkn tam mawŋkwat p-ramnawt 

19. nuŋkarawl armtapmpi pamkn tam mawŋkwat mamplamampl

20. namarawt munta-k-n  ( litː ''a whole person'')


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. William A. Foley, Department of Linguistics, the University of Sydney, Australia. April 2, 2012
提供资的语言家: Prof. William A. Foley, 2012 年 4 月 2 日.


Other comments: Yimas is an endangered language spoken by approximately 50 speakers in East Sepik province: near Chambri, Arafundi and middle Karawari rivers, Papua New Guinea. The numeral system of Yimas is quite complex, but is based fundamentally on the fingers and toes of a human being. It operates simultaneously with three basesː base twenty, base ten and base five. Twenty is expressed by 'a whole person'. Numbers above 'twenty' are simple 'twenty' plus 'one' through 'nine-teen'. These higher numerals are in practice never used. Tok Pisin being the invariable choice here, but the system does make them possible up to thirty and forty 'two whole men' and ninety-nine following this logic.

Yimas phonemic systemː Yimas has one of the simple phonological inventories of any Papuan languages. Its has only twelve underlying consonantal phonemes, and even three of these are suspect. The consonant phonemes areː four stops and their corresponding nasals for four places of articulation.

   bilabialː  p, m; dental-apicalː t, n ; palatal-laminalː c, ɲ;  velarː k, ŋ;

   two liquids; palatal lateralː lʸ;  apical rhoticː r; and two semivowels,

   high, front, unroundedː y, high, back, roundedː w

   Yimas presents a system of four vowels, /i/, /ɨ/, /u/ and / a/

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