Language name and location: Yessan-Mayo, Papua New Guinea [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区耶桑-马约语, 巴布亚新几内亚东锡皮克河省及桑道恩省


1. wuri


2. pesi


3. mur


4. eis


5. letrane


6. letrane wuri kera *


7. letrane pes kera


8. letrane mur kera


9. letrane eis kera


10. letpeis (litː ''hand-two'')   


11. letpeis towe wuri kera

40.  tame pesri ok

12. letpeis towe pes kera


13. letpeis towe mur kera

60.  tame murri ok

14. letpeis towe eis kera


15. letpeis towe letrane kera

80.  tame eisri ok

16. letpeis towe letrane wuri kera


17. letpeis towe letrane pes kera

100. tame letraneri ok

18. letpeis towe letrane mur kera

200. tame nuɡwape ok

19. letpeis towe letrane eis kera

1000. tame nuɡwape

20. tame wuri ok

2000. tame nuɡwapewai


Linguist providing data and dateː Mrs. Helen Marten. SIL International, Papua New Guinea. June 28, 2010, February 13, 2014.

提供资的语言家: Mrs. Helen Marten, 2010 年 6 月 28 日, 2014 年 2 月 13 日.


Other comments: Yessan-Mayo is spoken by approximately 2,000 speakers in the Ambunti district of East Sepik province and the Ambunti district of Sandaun province:, Papua New Guinea. A brief description of how the Yamano or Yessan-Mayo people use their hands to count: The left hand is held palm up and as the word one (wuri) is said the little finger is folded down onto the palm. When two (pes) is said the ring finger is folded down to the palm. When three (mur) is said, the middle finger is folded down, when four (eis) is said the index finger is folded down, when five (letrane) is said a fist is made with the left hand. (Left handed people probably use the other hand). When six (letrane wuri kera) is said (‘five holding one’), the little finger on the right hand is folded down. This is repeated with each finger and then a fist is made with the right and and the two fists are brought together in front of the body and the word ten (letpeis) is said (‘hand-two’). The system is a digit-tally one. There are four basic numerals. The number word for 5 contains a 'hand' morpheme 'let' ('let-rana' is translated as 'hand-some'). 6 is translated as 'hand-some other-side one hold'. After a

tally of 10, tallying proceeds on toes; 11 is 'hand-two foot one hold', and 16 is 'hand-two foot hand-some other side one hold'. At a tally of 20 we have 'tama wuri ok', i.e.

'man one-his full-count', or the hands and toes of the one man.

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