Language name and locationː Yakut, Sakha republic, Russia [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区雅库特语,  俄罗斯联邦亚洲部分东北部萨哈共和国


1. biːr

21.  syːrbæ bːir

2. ikki

22.  syːrbæ ikki

3. ys

23.  syːrbæ ys

4. tyørt

24.  syːrbæ tyørt

5. biæs

25.  syːrbæ biæs

6. ɑltɑ

26.  syːrbæ ɑltɑ

7. sættæ

27.  syːrbæ sættæ

8. ɑʁɯs / ɑʁɨs

28.  syːrbæ ɑʁɨs

9. toʁus

29.  syːrbæ toʁus

10. uon

30.  otut

11. uon biːr

40.  tyørt uon

12. uon ikki

50.  biæs uon

13. uon ys

60.  ɑltɑ uon

14. uon tyørt

70.  sættæ uon

15. uon biæs

80.  ɑʁɨs uon

16. uon ɑltɑ

90.  toʁus uon

17. uon sættæ

100. syːs

18. uon ɑʁɨs

200. ikki syːs

19. uon toʁus

1000. tɨhɨntʃa

20. syːrbæ

2000. ikki tɨhɨntʃa


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Claus Schönig, University of Mainz, Germany, August 30, 1999.
供资料的语言学家: Dr. Claus Schönig, 1999 年 8 月 30 日.


Other comments: Yakut or Sakha has a decimal system. Yakut also known as Yakutian, Sakha, Saqa or Saxa , is a Turkic language with around 450,000 native speakers spoken in Sakha (Yakutia), a federal republic in the Russian Federation, by the Yakuts. The Yakut language differs from all other Turkic languages in the presence of a layer of vocabulary of unclear origin (possibly Paleo-Siberian). There are also a large number of words of Mongolian origin related to ancient borrowings, as well as numerous recent borrowings from Russian.


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