Language name and locationː Wiyot, California state, USA [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区维约特语, 美国加利福尼亚州西北地区


1. gọ'tsɑr

2. rī’ḍɑr

3. rīkɑr

4. rīa’wɑr

5. we’saɣ hɑlɑr

6. dɑkL ɑlọ’k

7. ha’'lɑ’w

8. hī’wī’dau

9. vɑcɑ’řok

10. rɑlo'k


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Mark Rosenfelder, The Author of the website "Numbers from 1 to 10 in over 5000 languages", Chicago, USA, October 7 2023.

提供资的语言: Mr. Mark Rosenfelder, 2023 年 10 月 7 日.


Other comments: Wiyot (also Wishosk) or Soulatluk (lit. 'your jaw') is spoken by the Wiyot people of Humboldt Bay, Northwestern California, California, United States. The language's last native speaker, Della Prince, died in 1962. 
Wiyot, along with its geographical neighbor, the Yurok language, were first identified as relatives of the Algonquian languages by Edward Sapir in 1913, though this classification was disputed for decades in what came to be known as the Ritwan controversy. Due to the enormous geographical separation of Wiyot and Yurok from all other Algonquian languages, the validity of their genetic link was hotly contested by leading Americanist linguists; as Ives Goddard put it, the issue "has profound implications for the prehistory of North America". However, by the 1950s, the genetic relationship between the Algonquian languages and Wiyot and Yurok had been established to the satisfaction of most, if not all, researchers, giving rise to the term Algic to refer to the Algonquian languages together with Wiyot and Yurok.
The Wiyot Tribal Government is fostering a revival of the language through videos, online dictionaries, and an annual Wiyot language calendar.

Wiyot has only recorded traditional numerals from 1 to 10 many years ago. New data for numbers after ten is required. 

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