Language name and locationː Wakhi (Wakhan), Pakistan, China [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区: 瓦汗语 (瓦罕塔吉克语), 中, 阿富汗, 巴基斯坦, 塔吉克斯坦


1. ji(w)  *

21.  bist-ət-ji(w) / wist-ət-ji(w)

2. bu(j)  **

22.  bist-ət-bu(j) / wist-ət-bu(j)

3. tru(j)  ***

23.  bist-ət-tru(j) / wist-ət-tru(j)

4. t͡sɯbɯr

24.  bist-ət-t͡sɯbɯr/ wist-ət-t͡sɯbɯr

5. pand͡z

25.  bist-ət-pand͡z / wist-ət-pand͡z

6. ʃað

26.  bist-ət-ʃað / wist-ət-ʃað

7. (h)ɯb

27.  bist-ət-(h)ɯb /wist-ət-(h)ɯb

8. (ha)at

28.  bist-ət-(ha)at /wist-ət-(ha)at 

9. naw

29.  bist-ət-naw / wist-ət-naw

10. ðas  

30.  bist-ət-ðas / si

11. ðas-jiw

40.  bu-bist (2 x 20) /  t͡ʃil

12. ðas-buj

50.  bu-bist-ət-ðas  (2 x 20 + 10) / pind͡ʒo

13. ðas-truj

60.  tru-bist (3 x 20) / ʃað-da ****

14. ðas-t͡sɯbɯr

70.  tru-bist-ət-ðas / ((h)ɯb-da

15. ðas-pand͡z

80.  t͡sɯbɯr-bist (4 x 20) / (ha)at 

16. ðas-ʃað

90.  t͡sɯbɯr-bist-ət-ðas / naw-da

17. ðas-(h)ɯb

100. pand͡z-bist (5 x 20) / sad < Farsi

18. ðas-(h)at

200. bu(j) sad

19. ðas naw

1000. miŋ < Uyghur, azor < Persian 

20. bist  (old way) / wist (new way)

2000. bu(j) miŋ < Uyghur , bu(j) azor


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Li Bing, Institute of Linguistics, College of Foreign Languages and Literature, Nankai University, Tianjin, China, March 9, 2019.
供资料的语言学家: 李兵教授 (天津南开大学外国语学院,语言研究所), 2019 年 3 月 9 日.


Other comments: Wakhi Tajik has an old traditional vigesimal system and a modern decimal system which borrowed from Farsi. The old generation trends to use the traditional vigesimal system while the younger one trends to use the modern decimal system. All the numerals from one to twenty directly corresponded to the ancient Avesta ones. The suffix '-da' in 60, 70, 80, and 90 in modern decimal system might be a loanword from the Farsi language. The recorded big number for thousand 'miŋ' is a Uyghur loanword but people speaking Persian also used the Persian loanword 'azor'.

The languages of Wakhi Tajik is one of the two Iranian languages used as mother tongue by the native Tajik people living in Xinjiang, China. The Wakhi language is spoken in China, Tajikistan, Pakistan and Afghanistan in the Wakhan Corridor. There are seven dialects of the Wakhi language, the above one is taken from the dialect spoken in Taxkorgan Tajik Autonomous County in southwest Xinjiang (Uyghur Autonomous Region), China and it differs in phonetics, phonnolgy, morphology and lexicon from the Hunza Wakhi spoken in Pakistan

Note that there are two forms for numbers 1, 2, 3ː the noun forms are: < ji>, <bu > and <tru > while the adjective ones are : <jiw >, <buj > and <truj >. 

Language name and locationː Wakhi (Wakhan), Pakistan, China [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区: 瓦汗语 (瓦罕塔吉克语), 中, 阿富汗, 巴基斯坦, 塔吉克斯坦


1. ji(u)

21.  wist ə jiu

2. bu(i)

22.  wist ə bui

3. tru(i)

23.  wist ə trui

4. t͡sɯbɯr

24.  wist ə t͡sɯbɯr

5. pand͡z

25.  wist ə pand͡z

6. ʃað

26.  wist ə ʃað

7. ɯb /hɯb

27.  wist ə ɯb

8. at /hat

28.  wist ə at

9. nau

29.  wist ə nau

10. ðas  

30.  wist ə ðas

11. ðas jiu

40.  bu wist (2 x 20)

12. ðas bui

50.  bu wist ə ðas  (2 x 20+10)

13. ðas trui

60.  tru wist

14. ðas t͡sɯbɯr

70.  tru wist ə ðas

15. ðas pand͡z

80.  t͡sɯbɯr wist

16. ðas ʃað

90.  t͡sɯbɯr wist ə ðas

17. ðas ɯb

100. pand͡z wist / sad

18. ðas at

200. bu sad

19. ðas nau

1000. azor / jiu hazar < Persian

20. wist

2000. bu hazar


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Beate Reinhold, University of Hamburg / Institut für Allgemeine und Typologische Sprachwissenschaft Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany, September 5, 2002.
供资料的语言学家: Prof. Beate Reinhold, 2002 年 9 月 5 日.


Other comments: Wakhi has a vigesimal system. Wakhi or Vakhan, Wakhani is spoken by approximately 52,000 speakers in Wakhan district, Panj river area to Sarhad village; Khandud village is the center. 42 villages, Badakhshan province, Afghanistan as well as

Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China, Pakistan and Tajikistan.


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