Language name and locationː Urim, Papua New Guinea [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区乌利姆语, 巴布亚新几内亚东锡皮克省及桑道恩省


1. wɾis

21.  kɑmel wɾis tuwe.k wɾis

2. we.kŋ

22.  kɑmel wɾis tuwe.k we.kŋ

3. wrɑu.ɾ

23.  kɑmel wɾis tuwe.k wrɑu.ɾ

4. wi.kŋwi.kŋ (2+2)

24.  kɑmel wɾis tuwe.k wi.kŋwi.kŋ

5. wɑmbomis

25.  kɑmel wɾis tuwe.k wɑmbomis

6. wɑmbomis wɑmbom wɾis    (5+1)

26.  kɑmel wɾis tuwe.k + 6

7. wɑmbomis wɑmbom we.kŋ (5+2)

27.  kɑmel wɾis tuwe.k + 7

8. wɑmbomis wɑmbom wrɑu.ɾ (5+3)

28.  kɑmel wɾis tuwe.k + 8

9. wɑmbomis wɑmbom wi.kŋwi.kŋ 

29.  kɑmel wɾis tuwe.k + 9

10. wɑmbwɑm

30.  kɑmel wɾis tuwe.k wɑmbwɑm

11. wɑmbwɑm yikɑk wɾis

40.  kɑmel we.kŋ

12. wɑmbwɑm yikɑk we.kŋ 

50.  kɑmel we.kŋ tuwe.k wɑmbwɑm

13. wɑmbwɑm yikɑk wrɑu.ɾ

60.  kɑmel wrɑu.ɾ

14. wɑmbwɑm yikɑk wi.kŋwi.kŋ

70.  kɑmel wrɑu.ɾ tuwe.k wɑmbwɑm

15. wɑmbwɑm yikɑk wɑmbomis

80.  kɑmel wi.kŋwi.kŋ

16. wɑmbwɑm yikɑk + 6

90.  kɑmel wi.kŋwi.kŋ tuwe.k wɑmbwɑm

17. wɑmbwɑm yikɑk + 7

100. kɑmel wɑmbomis

18. wɑmbwɑm yikɑk + 8

200. kɑmel wampwam

19. wɑmbwɑm yikɑk + 9

1000. wan tausen / kɑmel  kɑmel

20. kɑmel wɾis (lit: ''one person'')

2000. tu tausen / tausen we.kŋ *


Linguist providing data and dateː Ms. Pirkko Luoma through Ms. Hannah Cockerill,

April 7, 2008. Ms.  Ritva Hemmilä, SIL International, Papua New Guinea. May 25, 2010. 

提供资的语言家: Ms. Pirkko Luoma, 2008 年 4 月 7 日. Ms. Ritva Hemmilä, 2010 年 5 月 25 日.


Other comments: Urim is spoken by approximately 4,000 speakers in Maprik subdistrict, East Sepik province and Nuku subdistrict, Sandaun province, Papua New Guinea. The Urim counting system is a finger-and-toe tally system with three numerals. The numerals 5, 10, 15, 100, 105, 110, 200... 415) are tally-directions which contain phrases with names of body parts but no numerals. The words used in the phrases are: hand, leg, person, other, whole, plus, over. e.g. 115 'kɑmɑl wɑmbomis wɑmbomis yikakwomis means 'person hand-other- whole-hand-hand leg-other-whole. All other numerals are combinations of tally directions and numerals. e.g. 8 wɑmbomis wɑmbom wɾau.r means 'hand-other-whole hand-other three. There are three basic numerals 1, 2, and 3, The tally-direction for 5 means 'whole other hand' and for 10 'hand-hand' 15 'hand-hand whole-other-leg'. 20 is 'one person'. The system has a modified (2, 5, 20 ) cyclic structure. Tallying begin on the little finger of the left hand.

Phonological notes: (pm, tn and) are prestopped nasals (had to invent the term), unvoiced before silence or unvoiced sounds. kg is shortened from kng. wr-combination is actually ur, but the u is unstressed and reduced. We have been writing the homorganic p there between m and w, because the village people like to write it. I think all other things are straight forward

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