Language name and location: Upper Kuskokwim, Alaska, USA[Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区: 上部卡斯科奎姆语, 美国阿拉斯加南部卡斯科奎姆河流域上部


1. ts'ełk’e


2. notekʼa

22.  ts’ełk’inh dina notek’a mik’ide’ *

3. tokʼe


4. dinchʼe


5. tsʼihuloʼ (derived from 'hand') *


6. donants’ełk’e


7. donannotek’a


8. donantok’e


9. donandinch’e


10. hwlozrunh OR hilozrunh

30.  tohdi hwlozrun

11. hwlozrunh ts’ełk’e mik’ide’  *

40.  notehina dina 

12. hilozrunh notek’a mik’ide’

50.  notehina dina hwlozrunh mik’ide’

13. hilozrunh tok’e mik’ide’

60.  tohina dina 

14. hilozrunh dinch’e mik’ide’

70.  donannotek’a dina  *

15. ts’ihulo’ mik’ide’ dinakak’az

80.  dinishna dina




100. ts’ihulona dina





20. ts’ełk’inh dina (lit: 'one person') *



Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Andrej A. Kibrik, Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia, October 22, 2010.

提供资的语言家: Dr. Andrej A. Kibrik, 2010 年 10 月 22 日.


Other comments: Upper Kuskokwim has a deciaml system. Upper Kuskokwim Athabascan is spoken in the villages of Nikolai, Telida, and McGrath in the Upper Kuskokwim River drainage. Of a total population of about 160 people, about 40 still speak the language. Most of these numerals above were taken from the publication: Raymond Collins, Betty Petruska. 1979. Dinak'i (Our words). Upper Kuskokwim Athabaskan Junior Dictionary. Anchorage: NBMDC. Not all of the cells of the table can be filled on the basis of that dictionary. During this visit to Upper Kuskokwim, I tried to verify this list and make it more complete. But it is very problematic. Modern Upper Kuskokwim speakers, including the most proficient and literate ones, do not really know numerals beyond 4 or 5. I think that most of the other numerals were artificially created by Raymond Collins, with the help of language speakers, for educational purposes. So I do not think that these data have much value. I corrected some spelling errors that I found in the dictionary and also added some comments.

Additional explanations for the following higher number over 4ː

   5.  ts’ihulo’ – this numeral is derived from the root ‘hand’

   6.  donants’ełk’e, literally ‘one across’, that is [one full hand – implied] plus one of

        the other side. The following three numbers are constructed likewise.

  11.  hwlozrunh ts’ełk’e mik’ide’ – lit. ten plus one on top

  20.  ts’ełk’inh dina – lit. one person, that is twenty fingers and toes

  22.  ts’ełk’inh dina notek’a mik’ide’ – this one I constructed with the help of a 

        consultant by analogy

  70. donannotek’a dina – this one was constructed by a consultant by analogy; but this

        is apparently wrong, as this would mean 140; the “correct” form would be tohina

        dina hwlozrunh mik’ide’.

Note that the Phonetic transcriptions between IPA and phonetic Americanist ː

   1. ł = IPA [ɬ], 2. tsʼ =IPA [tsʼ], a voiceless ejective affricate.

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