Language name and locationː Unami, Oklahoma state, USA [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区: 乌纳米语 (莱纳佩 Lenapé), 美国中部俄克拉何馬州


1. kʷəti

21.  niʃinxke ok kʷəti

2. niʃa

22.  niʃinxke ok niʃa

3. naxa

23.  niʃinxke ok naxa

4. newa 

24.  niʃinxke ok newa 

5. palenaxk

25.  niʃinxke ok palenaxk

6. kʷətaʃ

26.  niʃinxke ok kʷətaʃ

7. niʃaʃ

27.  niʃinxke ok niʃaʃ

8. xaʃ

28.  niʃinxke ok xaʃ

9. peʃkuŋk

29.  niʃinxke ok peʃkuŋk

10. telən

30.  xintxke

11. telən ok kʷəti

40.  neinxke

12. telən ok niʃa

50.  palenaxk txintxke

13. telən ok naxa

60.  kʷətaʃ txintxke  

14. telən ok newa 

70.  niʃaʃ txintxke 

15. telən ok palenaxk

80.  xaʃ txintxke 

16. telən ok kʷətaʃ 

90.  peʃkuŋk txintxke 

17. telən ok niʃaʃ

100. kʷətapxki

18. telən ok xaʃ

200. niʃapxki 

19. telən ok peʃkuŋk

1000. telən texən txapxki

20. niʃinxke

2000. niʃa txapxki


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Bruce L. Pearson, University of South Carolina / Indiana University at Bloomington, USA, February 20, 2009.

提供资的语言: Dr. Bruce L. Pearson, 2009 年 2 月 20 日.


Other comments: Unami or Lenapé or Delaware has a decimal system. Note that stress regularly falls on the next-to-last (i.e., penultimate) syllable. Stops following a stressed syllable are lengthened, e.g., [kʷəːtːi ]. Lenapé is originally spoken in New Jersey, Delaware and Pennsylvania. There are no fully fluent speakers of Lenape Delaware anymore, but the younger generation of Lenapes has undergone a resurgence of interest in reviving the Delaware language. Today, however, some Lenape language activists are trying to combine the Unami and Munsee languages into a single Delaware language to improve its chances of survival.

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