Language name and locationː Tupari, Cameroon, Chad [Refer to Ethnologue]

语言名称和分布地区: 土帕里语, 喀麦隆极北区卡埃萊镇及乍得境内


1. bɔ̈ɔ̄ŋ / böŋɛ̄ ( full form )

21.  hùwàl-hùwàl-ɓɔ̀ɡë-tí-bɔ̈ɔ̄ŋ

2. ɓɔ̀ɡë

22.  hùwàl-hùwàl-ɓɔ̀ɡë-tí-ɓɔ̀ɡë

3. sùwàʔä

23.  hùwàl-hùwàl-ɓɔ̀ɡë-tí-sùwàʔä

4. nàa

24.  hùwàl-hùwàl-ɓɔ̀ɡë-tí-nàa

5. dūwēe

25.  hùwàl-hùwàl-ɓɔ̀ɡë-tí-dūwēe

6. hïiráʔä

26.  hùwàl-hùwàl-ɓɔ̀ɡë-tí-hïiráʔä

7. rënām

27.  hùwàl-hùwàl-ɓɔ̀ɡë-tí-rënām

8. nènmàʔä

28.  hùwàl-hùwàl-ɓɔ̀ɡë-tí-nènmàʔä

9. kàawàʔä

29.  hùwàl-hùwàl-ɓɔ̀ɡë-tí-kàawàʔä

10. hùwàlë

30.  hùwàl-hùwàl-sùwàʔä / dɔ̀ɔ-sùwàʔä

11. hùwàl-tí-bɔ̈ɔ̄ŋ ( ' ten-on top of-one')

40.  hùwàl-hùwàl-nàa / dɔ̀ɔ-nàa

12. hùwàl-tí-ɓɔ̀ɡë

50.  hùwàl-hùwàl-dūwēe

13. hùwàl-tí-sùwàʔä

60.  hùwàl-hùwàl-hïiráʔä

14. hùwàl-tí-nàa

70.  hùwàl-hùwàl-rënām

15. hùwàl-tí-dūwēe

80.  hùwàl-hùwàl-nènmàʔä

16. hùwàl-tí-hïiráʔä

90.  hùwàl-hùwàl-kàawàʔä

17. hùwàl-tí-rënām

100. kísí ( < Arabic loan)

18. hùwàl-tí-nènmàʔä

200. kís-kís-ɓɔ̀ɡë

19. hùwàl-tí-kàawàʔä

1000. ndärē (  ' a traditional leather bag')

20. hùwàl-hùwàl-ɓɔ̀ɡë / dɔ̀ɔ-ɓɔ̀ɡë

2000. ndär ɓɔ̀ɡë ( ' two bags' )


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Suzanne Ruelland, CNRS-LLACAN (National Center for Scientific Research), France. October 11, 1997.

提供资的语言学家: Dr. Suzanne Ruelland, 1997 年 10 月 11 日.


Other comments: Tupari has a decimal system. The alternative form for twenty is

' dɔ̀ɔ-ɓɔ̀ɡë ', which means ' hands two'. The number hundred is a loan from Arabic.

The original meaning for 'thousand' is derived from a word means ' a traditional leather bag'. Tupari has four toneː high v́; mid-high v̄; mid-low v̀ and low tone v̈.

Note that the vowels ( ï, ë. ö, ä' ɛ̈ ) with an 'Umlaut' are low-toned ones.

Tupari or Dema, Honya, Mata, Ndoore is spoken by approximately 321,000 speakers Far North region: Kaélé division, southeast Moulvouday plain east of Kaélé; Mayo-Danay division, Kar-Hay subdivision, Cameroon as well as Chad.


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