Language name and locationː Southern Tiwa, New Mexico, USA [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区南部蒂瓦语, 美国西南部新墨西哥州中部阿尔伯克基市西部和南部


1. ˈwimˀa

21.  wi ti̹ -wimˀa

2. ˈwisi

22.  wi ti̹ -ˈwisi

3. ˈpacɔᵃ

23.  wi ti̹ -ˈpacɔᵃ

4. wiᵃn

24.  wi ti̹ -wiᵃn

5. ˈpˀandɔᵃ

25.  wi ti̹ -ˈpˀandɔᵃ

6. ˈmaɬi

26.  wi ti̹ -ˈmaɬi

7. shú

27.  wi ti̹ -shú

8. hwiři

28.  wi ti̹ -hwiři

9. hɔ̃ᵃ

29.  wi ti̹ -hɔ̃ᵃ

10. ˈtiðɜhɜm

30.  pacɔᵃ ti̹

11. ti̹ wim

40.  wiᵃn ti̹

12. ti̹ wisi

50.  pˀandɔᵃ ti̹

13. ti̹ pacɔᵃ

60.  maɬi ti̹

14. ti̹ wiᵃn

70.  shú ti̹

15. ti̹ pˀandɔᵃ

80.  hwiři ti̹

16. ti̹ maɬi

90.  hɔ̃ᵃ ti̹

17. ti̹ shú

100. ti̹ witati

18. ti̹ hwiři

200. wi ti̹ witati

19. ti̹ hɔ̃ᵃ

1000. wimtusena / mil ( < Spanish )

20. wi ti̹

2000.  witusena ?


Linguist providing data and dateː Ms. Barbara Allen and Ms. Donna Gardiner, Summer Institute of Linguistics, USA, March 16, 1990, May 21, 1995.

提供资的语言: Ms. Barbara Allen and Ms. Donna Gardiner, 1990 年 3 月 16 日, 1995 年 5 月 11 日.


Other comments: Southern Tiwa is spoken by approximately 1,600 speakers included: 1,500 Isleta, 100 Sandia speakers, out of 4,500 ethnic population in New Mexico: Isleta and Sandia pueblos, north and south of Albuquerque. Southern Tiwa has a decimal system. Note the traditional phonetic symbolsː /sh/=[ʃ], / /= nasal 'ĩ', IPA [ĩ]. Stress on first syllable.

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