Language name and locationː Tewa, Arizona state, USA [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区特瓦语 (塔诺语 Tano), 美国西南部亚利桑那州塔诺部落和霍皮部落居留区和新墨西哥州普韦布洛印第安人社区


1. wîʔ

21.  wétä̜ d̠i wîʔ

2. wíye

22.  wétä̜ d̠i wíye

3. poeye

23.  wétä̜ d̠i poeye

4. yôenu

24.  wétä̜ d̠i yôenu

5. p'a̹a̹nú

25.  wétä̜ d̠i p'a̹a̹nú

6. sí

26.  wétä̜ d̠i sí

7. tsé

27.  wétä̜ d̠i tsé

8. khâave

28.  wétä̜ d̠i khâave

9. whä̜ä̜nu

29.  wétä̜ d̠i whä̜ä̜nu

10. tä̜

30.  poewintä̜

11. tä̜ d̠i wîʔ

40.  yóenä́ntä̜

12. tä̜ d̠i wíye

50.  p'á̹a̹nä́ntä̜

13. tä̜ d̠i poeye

60.  séeɡíntä̜

14. tä̜ d̠i yôenu

70.  tsáyɡíntä̜

15. tä̜ d̠i p'a̹a̹nú

80.  kháavéntä̜

16. tä̜ d̠i sí

90.  whä̜ä̜ɡintä̜

17. tä̜ d̠i tsé

100. tä̜ä̜ɡintä̜

18. tä̜ d̠i khâave


19. tä̜ d̠i whä̜ä̜nu


20. wétä̜  



Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. Randy H. Speirs, SIL International, USA, May 2, 1995, October 11, 2008.

供资料的语言学家: Mr. Randy H. Speirs, 1995 年 5 月 2 日, 2008 年 10 月 11 日.


Other comments: Tewa or Tano is spoken by approximately 1,500 speakers out of 4,800 ethnic population Arizona: Hano and Hopi Reservation; New Mexico: Nambe, Pojoaque, San Ildefonso, San Juan, Santa Clara, North of Santa Fe, and Tesuque pueblos, United States. Tewa has a decimal system. Note that the traditional phonetic symbolsː a, e, i, o, u, are as in Spanish. The a-umlaut is the vowel in "cat". Long vowels are geminated, excepting oe is geminate "o", and ee is geminate "i", ay is geminate "e". Nasalization is subscript hook. High tone is acute accent, down-glide circumflex, low tone unmarked. Dotless Q mark is glottal stop. Apostrophe marks ['] glottalized stops and affricates. kh is velar fricative=IPA[x], wh is as in "which", underlined d is flap "r".

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