Language name and location: Atchan, Abidian, Côte d'Ivoire [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区阿查恩语 (查曼语Tchaman, 埃布列 Ebrié), 科特迪瓦阿比让市及附近泻湖地区


1. brɛ̀

21. ápʰɛ̰̀ l brɛ̄ ɔ̰́mɔ̰̀  

2. mmɔ̰̀

22. ápʰɛ̰̀ l mmɔ̰̀ ɔ̰́

3. ɓwàljá

23. ápʰɛ̰̀ l ɓwljá ɔ̰́

4. ɓwèlí

24. ápʰɛ̰̀ l ɓwlí ɔ̰́

5. mmwà̰ná̰

25. ápʰɛ̰̀ l mwà̰ná̰̰ ɔ̰́

6. ákʰwá

26. ápʰɛ̰̀ l kʰwá ɔ̰́

7. ákʰwácʰè

27. ápʰɛ̰̀ l kʰwácʰ ɔ̰́

8. áɓjâ

28. ápʰɛ̰̀ lɓj ɔ̰́

9. áɓrɔ̀

29. ápʰɛ̰̀ l ́ɓrɔ̄ ɔ̰́  

10. áwɔ́

30. ápʰɛ̰̀ l áwɔ́ ɔ̰́ (20+10)

11. áwɔ́ l brɛ̄ ɔ̰́mɔ̰̀  

40. ágrèɓɛ̀  (20 x 2 )

12. áwɔ́ l mmɔ̰̀ ɔ̰́

50. ágrèɓɛ̀ lé áwɔ́ ɔ̰́  (40+10)

13. áwɔ́ l ɓwljá ɔ̰́

60. ḿmɔ̄ ɓwljá  (20 x 3)

14. áwɔ́ l ɓwlí ɔ̰́

70. ḿmɔ̄ ɓwlj l áwɔ́ ɔ̰́ (20 x 3+10)

15. áwɔ́ l mwà̰ná̰ ɔ̰́

80. mɔ̄ ɓwlí  (20 x 4)

16. áwɔ́ l kʰwá ɔ̰́

90. ḿmɔ̄ ɓwlí lé áwɔ́ ɔ̰́ (20 x 4+10)

17. áwɔ́ l kʰwácʰ ɔ̰́

100. ḿmɔ̄ mmwà̰ná̰ (20 x 5), 200. àjà mmɔ̰̀

18. áwɔ́ l ɓj ɔ̰́

400. àjà ɓwèlí, 500. àjà mmwà̰ná̰

19. áwɔ́ l ́ɓrɔ̄ ɔ̰́  

1000. àkpɛ̰̀ <loan from Éwé

20. ápʰɛ̰̂

2000. àkpɛ̰̀ mmɔ̰̀


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Maxime Didy, Department of Language and Sciences, University of Cocody, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, September 11, 2023.

Sourceː DIDO Yao Maxime. U.F.R LANGUES, LITTERATURES ET CIVILISATIONS, DEPARTEMENT DES SCIENCES DU LANGAGE, Soutenue publiquement le 03 décembre 2018. A l’Université Félix Houphouët BOIGNY (Abidjan-Cocody), Côte d'Ivoire
供资料的语言学家: Dr. Maxime Didy, 2023 年 9 月 11 日. 


Other comments: Ebrié, or Tchaman is called Atchan (ISO: ebr) recently and there are approximately Atchan 173,000 speakers spoken by the Tchaman people located in and around Abidjan in southern Côte d'Ivoire. There are approximately Atchan 173,000 speakers. Atchan, or Tchaman or Ebrie has a traditional vigesimal system. The word for thousand is a loan from the Éwé language. Other higher numbers areː 600 àjà ákʰwá, 700 àjà ákʰwácʰè.

Language name and location: Atchan, Abidian, Côte d'Ivoire [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区阿查恩语 (查曼语Tchaman, 埃布列 Ebrié), 科特迪瓦阿比让市及附近泻湖地区


1. brɛ̀


2. mɔ̃̀


3. ɓwàljá ~ ɓwàɗjá


4. ɓwèlí ~ ɓwèɗí


5. mwã̀nã́


6. ákʰwá


7. ákʰwácʰè


8. áɓjâ


9. áɓrɔ̂


10. áwɔ́


11. áwɔ́ brɛ̀


12. áwɔ́ mɔ̃̀


13. áwɔ́ ɓwáljá


14. áwɔ́ ɓwélí


15. áwɔ́ mwã́nã́


16. áwɔ́ kʰwá


17. áwɔ́ kʰwácʰè

100. àjà. 200. àjà mɔ̃

18. áwɔ́ ɓjâ

400. àjà ɓwèlí. 800. àjà ɓjâ

19. áwɔ́ ɓrɔ̀

1000. ákpɛ̃́  < loan from Éwé

20. ápʰɛ̃̂

2000. ákpɛ̃́ mɔ̃̀


Linguist providing data and dateː Miss Katherine Russell, PhD student, Department of Linguistics, University of California at Berkeley, USA. September 8, 2023.
供资料的语言学家: Miss Katherine Russell, 2023 年 9 月 8 日. 


Other comments: Ebrié, or Tchaman is called Atchan (ISO: ebr) recently and there are approximately Atchan 173,000 speakers spoken by the Tchaman people located in and around Abidjan in southern Côte d'Ivoire. There are approximately Atchan 173,000 speakers. Atchan, or Tchaman or Ebrie has a traditional vigesimal system. The word for thousand is a loan from the Éwé language.

Language name and location: Tchaman, Abidian, Côte d'Ivoire [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区查曼语 (埃布列 Ebrié), 科特迪瓦阿比让市及附近泻湖地区


1. -bɛn

21.  'aphɛn le brɛn

2. -mɔn


3. bhualia


4. bhueli


5. muanaan'


6. 'akhua'


7. 'akhuache'


8. 'abhia'


9. 'abhlɔ'


10. 'awɔ' 

30. 'aphɛn le 'awɔ' (20+10)

11. 'awɔ' brɛn

40. 'aɡrebhɛ (20 x 2)


50. 'aɡrebhɛ le 'awɔ'


60. mmɔ bhualia (20 x 3)




80. mmɔ bhualia  (20 x 4) 




100. mmɔ muanaan' (20 x 5), ya


200. ya -mɔn, 1000. ak͡pɛn


2000. ak͡pɛn -mɔn  < loan from Éwé 

20. 'aphɛn

10000. ak͡pɛn ndɔn 'awɔ'


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Inge Egner, Société Internationale de Linguistique (SIL-International), Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, July 4, 1989, September 20, 2007. 
Source: 1983, Zepp, Raymondː L'a Apprentissage du Calcul dans les Langues de Côte d'Ivoire / The Learning of arithmetic in the Languages of Côte d'Ivoire. Instutut de Linguistique Appliquee / Institute of Applied Linguistics, Dépôt Légal de Côte d'Ivoire, nᵒ 99. 
供资料的语言学家: Dr. Inge Egner, 1989 年 7 月 4 日, 2007 年 9 月 20 日. 


Other comments: Tchaman or Ebrie has a traditional vigesimal system. There are some missing terms. Need to checked with new data in IPA transcription with tone marks.

Tchaman or Tyaman, Kyama, Ebrié is spoken by approximately 173,000 speakers in
Urban Abidjan and Lagunes districts: Bingerville and Dabou subprefectures,
Côte d'Ivoire.


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