Language name and location: Tati, Iran, Azerbaijan, Russia [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区塔特语 (Muslim Tat), 伊朗, 阿塞拜疆, 俄罗斯


1. i, jæk

21.  bis(t)ə jæk

2. də

22.  bis(t)ə də

3. se 

23.  bis(t)ə se

4. t͡ʃar

24.  bis(t)ə t͡ʃar

5. pend͡ʒ

25.  bis(t)ə pend͡ʒ

6. ʃiʃ

26.  bis(t)ə ʃiʃ

7. hæft

27.  bis(t)ə hæft

8. hæʃt

28.  bis(t)ə hæʃt

9. na 

29.  bis(t)ə na

10. da

30.  si

11. jazdæ

40.  t͡ʃel

12. dəvazdæ

50.  pænd͡ʒa 

13. sinzæ / ziadæ / sizdæ

60.  ʃæs

14. t͡ʃardæ

70.  hæftad

15. panzæ

80.  hæʃtad

16. ʃanzæ

90.  nævæd

17. hifdæ

100. sæd, 200. dəvis

18. hiʒdæ

400. t͡ʃarsæd, 800. hæʃsæd

19. nuzdæ

1000. hæzar / hizar

20. bis(t)

2000. dəhæzar


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Jahandoost Sabzalipour, Department of Persian languages and Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Rasht Branch, Rast, Iran, though Dr. Esfandiar Taher, Department of Linguistics, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran, March 24, 2020.
供资料的语言学家: Dr. Jahandoost Sabzalipour, 2020 年 3 月 24 日


Other comments: Deravi is a Tati dialect in Shahrood of Khalkha l/ Ardabil / Iran. The numeral system for this Tati language is similar to that of the Persian (Farsi) language and the construction for 60, 70, 80 and 90 are different from that of the Tati dialect provided by Prof. Wolfgang M. Schulze, University of Munich, Germany in 2002.
Notesː č =IPA [t͡ʃ], j=IPA [d͡ʒ], ö is a rounded mid central vowel (between IPA [ø ] and IPA [o]), or a rounded schwa, equivalent to IPA [ɵ], š=IPA [ʃ], ž= IPA [ʒ],
y = IPA [j].

Language name and location: Tati, Iran, Azerbaijan, Russia [Refer to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区塔特语, 阿塞拜疆, 伊朗, 俄罗斯


1. wæ, wæki

21.  bistiˈwæk

2. dʏ

22.  bistiˈdʏ

3. sæ 

23.  bistiˈsæ

4. t͡ʃar

24.  bistiˈt͡ʃar

5. pand͡ʒ

25.  bistiˈpand͡ʒ

6. ʃæʃ

26.  bistiˈʃæʃ

7. hæft

27.  bistiˈhæft

8. hæʃt

28.  bistiˈhæʃt

9. nʏh 

29.  bistiˈnʏh

10. dæh

30.  si

11. dæhˈwæk

40.  t͡ʃʏl

12. dæhˈdi

50.  pænˈd͡ʒah 

13. dæhˈsæ

60.  sæˈbist (3 x 2)

14. dæht͡ʃɑr

70.  sæbistdæh [(3 x 20)+10)]

15. dæhˈpand͡ʒ

80.  t͡ʃarˈbist (4 x 20)

16. dæhˈʃæʃ

90.  t͡ʃarbistˈdæh [(4 x 20)+10)]

17. dæhˈhæft

100. sad

18. dæhˈhæʃt

200. dʏˈsad

19. dæhˈnʏh

1000. hæˈzar

20. bist

2000. dʏˈhæzar


Linguist providing data and dateː Prof. Wolfgang M. Schulze, University of Munich , Germany, May 20, 2002
提供资料的语言学家: Prof. Wolfgang M. Schulze, 2002 年 5 月 20 日


Other comments: Tati or Muslim Tat has a decimal system with special construction for 60, 70, 80 and 90. Muslim Tat, Mussulman Tati, Tati is spoken by approximately

34,000 speakers in Balakan district: Surakhan region on Apsheron peninsula; Baku, Quba, Sizan, and Vartashen cities; Afruja, Chichi, Dagkushu, Genvab, Konakhkend, Lakhij, and Matrasa villages; widespread in mountains near Qonaqkend, Azerbaijan

as well as Iran and Russian Federation.


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