Language name and location: Upper Tanana, Tanana, Alaska, USA [Ref to Ethnologue]
言名称和分布地区: 上部塔纳纳语, 美国阿拉斯加中东部塔纳纳河上流地区


1. tsʼełagn (Tetlin dialect), tsʼełign (else dialects), ts'ehłǫǫ' 'once'

2. łaakeey

3. taagn (N, T), taaga (U)

4. dän (all dialects)

5. ahtsʼa̜y  word also means 'side' (right side, left side)

6. łkʼetaag (T), łkʼitaag (N), jistaan (SU), łk'e-, łk'i- occurs in forms like 'they look like each other'; maybe reciprocal ł+ pp k'e-/k'i- 'like'

7. łkʼidänchii (N), no idea what chii might be!,

    ahtsʼa̜y ukʼet łaakeey, 'five on top of it two'

8. łkʼedän (T)

9. tsʼehłign mbaa kol (N) 'one is missing for it?',

    tsʼeägn mbaa kol (T) kol 'nothing; absent',

    tsʼełay baa kol (U) mbaa 'for it' (inflected pp)

10. tsʼehłign deetaan (N), tsʼeägn deetaan (T), tsʼełooʼ deetaan (S), tsʼełayʼ deetaan (U)

    deetaan: multiple of ten

11. tsʼełayʼ ukʼedi (U), one on top of it

100. tsʼehłign deetaan tsʼehłign deetaan  (10 x 10)


Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Olga Lovick, IPY Postdoctoral Fellow, Alaska Native Language Center, University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA, September 20, 2008. Data taken from: James Kari: Upper Tanana lexical file (ms) and Olga Lovick fieldnotes.  
的语言家: Dr. Olga Lovick, 2008 年 9 月 20 日.


Other comments: Upper Tanana has a decimal system. Upper Tanana is a nearly extinct (100 speakers ?) or extinct Athabaskan language spoken in the Northway, Tetlin, and Tok villages. villages along the upper Tanana river area, in Middle East Alaska.

Dialect: N=Northway, S=Scottie Creek, T=Tetlin, U=Upper. If several numerals are in the same cell, this means that these are regular phoneme correspondences; if they are in different cells, then there is a larger difference between the forms. All of the numerals reference things, not people. If used referring to people, the same forms are used, e.g. ts'exeh łaakeey iin 'woman two Pl = two women' or
ts'exeh iin łaakeey iin 'woman Pl two Pl = two women' with no apparent difference in meaning. When they co-occur with an adjective, the order is N-Adj-Num-Pl
e.g. ts'exeh gaay łaakeey iin 'woman little two Pl = two girls'

Note that the Phonetic transcriptions between IPA and phonetic Americanist ː

   ł = IPA [ɬ], tsʼ =IPA [tsʼ], a voiceless ejective affricate.

  Under-hooked vowels are nasal vowelsː a̜, e̜, i̜, o̜ and u̜ = IPA ã, ẽ, ĩ, õ and ũ.

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