name and location:
Upper Tanana,
Tanana, Alaska,
[Ref to
Ethnologue] |
1. tsʼełagn (Tetlin dialect), tsʼełign (else dialects), ts'ehłǫǫ' 'once' |
2. łaakeey |
3. taagn (N, T), taaga (U) |
4. dän (all dialects) |
5. ahtsʼa̜y word also means 'side' (right side, left side) |
6. łkʼetaag (T), łkʼitaag (N), jistaan (SU), łk'e-, łk'i- occurs in forms like 'they look like each other'; maybe reciprocal ł+ pp k'e-/k'i- 'like' |
7. łkʼidänchii (N), no idea what chii might be!, ahtsʼa̜y ukʼet łaakeey, 'five on top of it two' |
8. łkʼedän (T) |
9. tsʼehłign mbaa kol (N) 'one is missing for it?', tsʼehłägn mbaa kol (T) kol 'nothing; absent', tsʼełay baa kol (U) mbaa 'for it' (inflected pp) |
10. tsʼehłign deetaan (N), tsʼehłägn deetaan (T), tsʼełooʼ deetaan (S), tsʼełayʼ deetaan (U) deetaan: multiple of ten |
11. tsʼełayʼ ukʼedi (U), one on top of it |
100. tsʼehłign deetaan tsʼehłign deetaan (10 x 10) |
Linguist providing data and dateː Dr. Olga Lovick,
IPY Postdoctoral Fellow, Alaska Native Language
Center, University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA, September 20,
2008. Data taken
James Kari: Upper Tanana lexical file (ms) and Olga Lovick fieldnotes.
Other comments: Upper Tanana has a decimal system. Upper Tanana is a nearly extinct (100 speakers ?) or extinct Athabaskan language spoken in the Northway, Tetlin, and Tok villages. villages along the upper Tanana river area, in Middle East Alaska.
Dialect: N=Northway,
S=Scottie Creek, T=Tetlin, U=Upper. If several numerals are in the same
cell, this means that these are regular phoneme correspondences; if they
are in different cells, then there is a larger difference between the
forms. All of the numerals reference things, not people. If used
referring to people, the same forms are used, e.g. ts'exeh łaakeey iin
'woman two Pl = two women' or Note that the Phonetic transcriptions between IPA and phonetic Americanist ː ł = IPA [ɬ], tsʼ =IPA [tsʼ], a voiceless ejective affricate. Under-hooked vowels are nasal vowelsː a̜, e̜, i̜, o̜ and u̜ = IPA ã, ẽ, ĩ, õ and ũ. |
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