Language name and location: Tampulma, Damongo, Ghana [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区坦普尔马语, 加纳北部省达蒙哥市附近地区


1. diiɡɛ

21.  fumlɛdikibɛɡím

2. alɛɛwa

22.  fumlɛdaalɛ́

3. atoora

23.  fumlɛdaatora

4. anaasi

24.  fumlɛdaanaasí

5. anyuún

25.  fumlɛdaanyuún

6. anɔɔrà

26.  fumlɛdaanɔrà

7. anɔpɛ

27.  fumlɛdaanɔ́pɛ

8. ŋmɛnaasa

28.  fumlɛŋmɛnaasà

9. diɡtó

29.  fumlɛdiɡtó

10. fí

30.  fumtora

11. fidikibɛɡím

40.  fumnaasí

12. fiidaalɛ́

50.  fumnyuún

13. fiidaatora

60.  fumnɔrá

14. fiidaanaasí

70.  fumnɔpɛ́

15. fiidaanyuún

80.  fumŋmɛnnaasá

16. fiidaanɔ́ra

90.  fumdiɡtó

17. fiidaanɔ́pɛ

100. kɔkwa

18. fiwaŋŋmɛnaasà

200. kɔksaalɛ́

19. fiwadiɡtó

1000. tusuká

20. fumlɛ

2000. tusukasaalɛ́


Linguist providing data and dateː Mrs. Claire Gray, GILLBT (The Ghana Institute of Linguistics, Literacy and Bible Translation), Ghana, April 18, 2008, November 12, 2008

提供资的语言: Mrs. Claire Gray, 2008  年 4 月 18 日, 2008  年 11 月 12 日.


Other comments: Tampulma has a decimal system. There was an old counting system with special construction for 18 and 19, 28 and 29 ... 88 and 89. But 98 and 99 are expressed by 'aba lɛ wato wa kɔkwa ' and 'ki bɛkim wato wa kɔkwa' respectively, which mean ' 2 not there to be hundred ' and '1 not there to be hundred' respectively. Tampulma basic numerals are similar to those of Chakali. Note that all numbers without a tone mark is in the mid tone. Tampulma is spoken by approximately 16,000 speakers in Northern region: Damongo district, Ghana.


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