Language name and locationː Tajuasohn, Sinoe county, Liberia [Refer to Ethnologue]

言名称和分布地区塔朱松语, 利比里亚首府格林维尔北部锡诺县


1. doe

21.  quilarsunn - joy doe

2. sunn

22.  quilarsunn - sunn

3. tan

23.  quilarsunn - tan

4. hin

24.  quilarsunn - hin

5. hoom

25.  quilarsunn - hoom

6. ḿhon doe (5+1)

26.  quilarsunn - ḿhon doe

7. ḿhon sunn (5+2)

27.  quilarsunn - ḿhon sunn

8. hinin (4+4)

28.  quilarsunn - hinin

9. siɛrdoe (litː 'remains one' )

29.  quilarsunn - siɛrdoe

10. punn

30.  quilar-tan

11. punn-joy-doe  

40.  quilar-hin

12. punn-joy-sunn

50.  quilar-hoom

13. punn-joy-tan

60.  quilar-ḿhon doe

14. punn-joy-hin

70.  quilar-ḿhon sunn

15. punn-joy-hoom

80.  quilar-hinin

16. punn-joy-ḿhon doe

90.  quilar-siɛrdoe

17. punn-joy-ḿhon sunn

100. kemann doe

18. punn-joy-hinin

200. kemann sunn

19. punn-joy-siɛrdoe

1000. wooluu doe

20. quilar-sunn 

2000. wooluu sunn


Linguist providing data and dateː Mr. David Drevlow, Lutheran Bible Translations, Liberia, January 12, 1994.

供资料的语言学家: Mr. David Drevlow, 1994 年 1 月 12 日.


Other comments: Tajuasohn has a vigesimal system with special construction for numbers 6, 7, 8 and 9. Tajuasohn or Tajuason, Tajuoso is spoken by approximately

20,000 speakers in Sinoe county: north of Greenville, Liberia.


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